Chapter 12

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"Perrie told me you like to read, do you?"

"Yeah, I love to read."

"Any books you're interested in?"

"Ummm, I don't know."

"We can look in here. Come along" Leigh-Anne opened the door for Jade. She let her roam around the bookstore while she looked for a book herself.

"Excuse me?"


"Do you carry American Psycho?"

"Yes we do, actually. I'll grab you a copy"

"Thank you" Leigh-Anne waited for the sales assistant while Jade looked through the young adult books. She pulled a book off the shelf called

'We were liars'

"Do you think i could have this one?"

"Yeah, let me see" She gave it to Leigh-Anne who put it on the counter. Once she purchased the books they got in the car.

"Would you rather read or go out and do something?"


"At the beach, a park or a rooftop lounge?"

"Maybe the beach" Leigh-Anne began driving to Manhattan Beach.

The ride was silent, so Jade took the opportunity to ask Leigh-Anne about her dad.

"Can I ask about your dad?"

"My biological father?"

". . .Jamie I think his name is"

"Yeah, what about him"

"What was he like to you?"

"Well, when I was little he was really harsh. Really abrasive. Only as I got older did he become affectionate and caring. Why?"

"I was talking to Perrie about my dad and she said that I could probably relate to you since you had some trouble with your dad as well.

"You know, I've never told anyone this but when I was younger my dad was so nasty to me. I don't know my real dad, my mother was a drug addict and one day she had sex with this guy for drugs and then nine months later I was here. I guess my dad found out and he hated me. He wouldn't feed me, he'd curse me and beat me. He hated me for my moms wrongdoing. One day I went out with my mom. She went to buy some drugs and I remembered seeing a lolly on this guy's desk and I took it. The worst and best thing I've ever done. I stole from one of the biggest gangs at the time and my mother handed me over to them as payment for her drugs. So they would make me steal for them. Drop me off at other bases and act clueless while I steal money, drugs, weapons, plans and a bunch of other shit until one day I got caught. First thing they did was take a razor blade and sliced my face. I think they went easy on me because I was a kid, maybe five at the time. My mama found me, Amina. I'm sure you've heard of her or seen her around the old base, under her law firm. She took me in and I became her baby. Jamie, he didn't want kids, so he didn't like me either. So Amina took care of me. Even though he didn't want me there or consider himself my dad, he would always get on me when I did wrong. I used to steal a lot. He would always tell me that he would cut my fingers off if I ever stole again but he never did. Over time I began to grow on him. He would take me to work and stuff. At fourteen I began taking charge of his ring. I was helping bring in money so he began training me to take over his organization one day. My mom didn't want me to. She wanted me to go to school and be a lawyer like her but school wasn't for me. I'm street smart but I don't think I'm all that book smart. Now, my dad is my everything. I love that man so much. He's taught me a lot and he's still super strict even though I'm going on twenty six. I don't know if I answered your question I just kinda went down memory lane a bit. Sorry"

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