Chapter 6: It's Raining Afterall

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Firey smacked his alarm clock after it rudely woke him from his sleep and squinted at the bright blade of sunlight that stabbed through the curtains of his bedroom.

He pushed his blanket off and forced himself out of bed, he didn't really have anywhere to go today but he never liked staying in bed and wasting his day.

He trudged to his bathroom where he washed his face, brushed his teeth and shaved the stubble that had formed on his face.

Somehow, no matter how much sleep he got, he always looked tired and fed up, maybe he just had one of those faces.

He wouldn't consider himself "nice" by any means, he wasn't a bad person but he just wasn't nice, it made sense to him.

In his eyes, no one was truly a nice person, there was always an ulterior motive, he just decided to never do anything that would label him a pushover or a brute.

Of course, not everyone agreed with his outlook but he had never met someone who was so certain they were a good person until he met the glorified idol herself,

Leafy Verte.

A few days ago she had somehow found his social media account and she spam liked him.

He should have known those notifications were just her trying to piss him off, no one ever contacted him.

He needed to learn not to get his hopes up.

It was a cloudy day and with nothing else to do, Firey got dressed, ate some cereal and headed to the gym.

He spent most of his days at the gym, it wasn't a very good gym but the membership with pretty cheap as far as gyms go and it gave him what he needed.

On days where he wasn't working he usually got up, went to the gym, bought a cheap drink from a vending machine in an alleyway and went home to make dinner.

He probably would have gone insane ages ago if it weren't for a small, stray dog he happened to find about two years ago.

His name was Butter, Firey wasn't very good at naming things but it seemed fitting.

He was a golden-caramel coloured pomeranian with a little black patch of fur on his chest that was shaped like a heart and cute little eyes that were always alert.

He was the one thing Firey genuinely cared about.

He always made him feel better when he had a crappy day and Firey often confided in him when he needed to.

He wasn't a cuddly dog but he enjoyed sleeping on his shoulder, this would often result in dog hair getting everywhere but Firey didn't mind.

He often saved up so he could buy him the good pet food, just because he ate the off brand stuff didn't mean he had to.

He was going to go to the store today and pick up some stuff for dinner, he decided he'd buy him some dog treats as well.


The gym was quiet, not many people were there and Firey got a really good workout in, his muscles were sore and tired but he felt good.

When he was certain no one was looking, he flexed a little bit in the changing room mirror.

It felt silly but what the hell.

He had been in the gym for almost two hours and by the time he left, it was lashing rain outside.

He swore under his breath as he looked down at his clothes, an orange t-shirt under a red hoodie and black tracksuit trousers with a white stripe, not rain clothes.

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