Chapter 33: Broken Bottle

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It was raining as Firey walked down the empty street, it usually was at this time of the evening, the odd car or dig walker was seen but there was nothing hectic or loud.

Sometimes living far from the city center had its perks.

Every footstep felt heavy, he was soaked through after a pipe above him suddenly broke from the weight and a large amount of freezing cold, dirty water fell on him.

He had a drawstring back on his back that was empty, it looked strange but for once he didn't care.

He didn't care about anything, he the only thing he could remotely feel was dull.

When he stepped into the pharmacy he did his best to shake some of the water off so he didn't soak the floor but it was pointless.

This was the fourth pharmacy he had been in today...

Wait no, it was the fifth, or maybe it was the fourth, he couldn't tell anymore.

He picked up some random pain killers, he had a headache that was getting worse by the second.

He also grabbed some other random tablets, he didn't really care which and then went to the counter.

The cashier didn't question him, they were too tired and preoccupied to notice that the pills he was buying didn't really make sense to be bought all together.

Once he paid, he put everything into the drawstring bag and went back out into the rain and blustery wind.

As he walked, he kept his head down and stuffed his hands in his pockets and the rain soaked his face.

But he wasn't out in the elements for long as he soon walked into the shabby, stuffy liquor store.

The person at the counter had a cigarette in his mouth and he reeked of booze, fitting for a place like this but still, it wasn't the most pleasant thing to see nor smell.

He looked up at Firey and gave a crooked, slightly yellowed smile, normally a friendly gesture but Firey just didn't have the energy to return it.

Firey went to the whiskey and picked up three bottles and then one "cheap" bottle of vodka and he went to go pay.

"Ya got some party or somethin' ?" the man chuckled, clearly a little tipsy himself.

Firey plastered on his best attempt at a smile as he handed over the money.

"It'll be something alright,"

The man at the counter chatted for a few minutes, wishing Firey a good night and telling him to stay safe.

"I will, thanks," Firey said as he bid the man farewell and once again he was out in the downpour.

The bag now felt heavy, Firey took it off his back and carried it home, being careful not to drop it.

It was a struggle to get up the stairs and unlock the door but eventually he was standing in his kitchen, unpacking everything onto the counter.

He stopped for a moment, taking the time to look around the empty apartment.

It was weirdly quiet without Butter, there was something eerie about everything.

He could hear the pipes in the walls whirring as the water was being used elsewhere in the building, he could hear a distant chatter coming from outside and the sound of furniture being shuffled around.

With a scowl on his face he grabbed the bottles and flopped down onto the couch, struggling a little to open the cap he eventually got it off and took a deep breath before quicky chugging the vodka right from it.

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