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I opened the door and froze. Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to believe what I was seeing.

My boyfriend and another girl are making out in our shared room.

"Ari, it's not what you think."
He walked closer to me trying to grab my hands but I slapped his hand away as I started to cry, kneeling on the ground and my hands pinned on the ground as tears dropped on the floor nonstop.


"Don't fucking touch me."
I said and slapped him right across the face as I glared at him, then my eyes landed on the girl on the bed, staring at me while hugging the blanket over her body. I looked back at Shawn and slapped him again.

"I-I..." I sniff while wiping my tears as I tried to make words in between my cries, "I fucking trusted you..." I said in between my sobs while looking at him with my bloodshot eyes. I was getting more and more furious, wanting to make him feel the pain I was feeling but I stopped myself from doing so.

He should be thankful it's not a full moon tonight, I would've drank all of their blood until there's no more in their body.

"Ari, let me explain, it's not what you think s-she kissed me first..."
He accused the girl like she wasn't there. I didn't believe anything he said and just looked at him waiting for him to stop.

"I don't wanna listen to your explanation, I already saw everything. You're a fucking cheater!"
I threw multiple punches to his chest while crying more but he held my wrist stopping me from what I was doing.

"Please, Ari... Believe me. You know that I love you and you love me right?"

"Well, not anymore..."
I harshly pushed his hands away from my wrist while glaring at him, staring at him blankly.

Why? Why does this happen to me always? I already had several exes but none of them lasted long with me, I treated them sufficiently and loved them with all my heart, I just wanted someone to love me, what am I doing wrong? Am I not good enough? Am I too boring? Am I not enough?

"Ari... Please..."
Shawn went down on his knees, begging while hugging my legs.

I said. Shawn looks up at me not believing what I just said, staring at me with teary eyes.


"I said leave."
I repeat while my head hangs low and closes my eyes trying to stop myself from crying. He didn't say anything and stood up from the ground and signaled the girl to go with him.

He didn't even try making it up to me, he didn't even try anything to make me change my mind, he just left, giving up just like that. That's when I knew he wasn't willing to do anything for our relationship. I sat on the edge of the bed and I finally cried out.

Why can't someone love me?

Why does everybody leave in the end?

I saw our photo frame on the nightstand, I grabbed it and threw it in the trash bin. I got up while crying and went to our cabinet grabbed all of his clothes and threw them on the ground behind my house. I created a fireball with my hands and threw it on the clothes as it started to burn and the flames started getting stronger and stronger. I watched as his clothes got burned.

My heart is too damaged, I can feel multiple knives stabbing my heart. Everything is all over, I just need to move on and everything will be alright... right?

"I knew it. I fucking knew it."
Yoona hissed, throwing her hands in the air while scoffing, while Aerin and Sora comforted me, soothing my back and trying to stop me from crying.

"I'm sorry, Yoona..." I sniffed while Yoona looked at me, "I should have listened to you." I cried. Yoona cups my face softly making me look at her.

"Hey... Don't be sorry, okay? Besides, I'm happy that you finally found out the truth and broke up with him."
She kissed my forehead and wiped my tears.

"Why do they always leave me in the end? Am I not enough?"

"Don't say that, you are enough they are just too blind to see it."
Aerin said while rubbing my back.

"Stop crying now, don't waste your tears over a guy like him, hmm?"
Sora wipes my tears while fixing my hair and kisses the top of my head.

I felt so thankful that they were here for me every time. I felt thankful that I had friends like them.

"I feel so thankful that you guys are my friends..."

"We are thankful that you are our friend."
Sora said while giving me a warm smile. I smiled and hugged her while the others joined. I don't deserve someone like them.

"Stop crying now, we will help you move on from him and we will treat you to food today, how does that sound?"
Yoona asked.

"That sounds great. Thank you so much, I feel like a burden to you guys."

"No, you are not stop saying that. We are always ready to help you."
Aerin said making me feel better after hearing their comforting words as they hugged me again.

From now on, I will never trust anyone, I'll keep myself away from relationships and focus on my education.

Besides... Nobody even loves me.

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