Chapter Eighteen

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Ari pov

While the girls were out grocery shopping, I was left alone in the dormitory to do some chores. I tied my hair into a messy bun, grabbed a broom, and began sweeping the floor from the living room to the kitchen, making sure to sweep under the couch, tables, and every nook and corner. I hid the broom and grabbed the mop to mop the floor, spraying some liquid conditioner and mopping it on the floor spreading it around as the scent filled the air inside the dorm. I wiped the sweat forming on my forehead as I looked at the floor, all clean and shiny. I went towards the kitchen to sweep the tables and countertops, placing everything in the kitchen in the right place and spraying water on Aerin's flower she brought for decoration on our dining table.

I also arranged everything neatly inside the fridge and drawers. I fixed the utensils, separating the spoons and forks and also sharp objects. I went towards the living room fixing the pillows and flower vase on the coffee table. I grabbed the duster and dusted the windows and the shelves in the living room as I came in contact with my baby picture on the shelves, I smiled a little.

I was so cute when I was a kid, I had chubby cheeks that my parents liked to pinch and bite, but thinking about my parents made me a little emotional. They died when I was 10, they died while trying to protect me from the evil vampires that were targeting me and my auntie was the one who brought me to her house and took care of me until I was 18 but she died because a vampire sneaked up on her and drank all her blood while hunting in the forest at midnight. I only knew because I searched for her in the forest and followed her aroma in the forest which led me to her body on the ground with no blood in her body, I cried on the spot while holding her pale and wrinkled face.

Ari's pov from the past

I screamed her name multiple times while walking down the forest, the sun was up so it was easy for me to see my surroundings. While searching for my auntie, I smelled her scent, I immediately followed the scent. Her scent was strong and it led me to her dead body on the ground with no blood in her body, her body was white and pale, and wrinkles all over her body. I cupped my mouth, my eyes widened and tears started to form in my eyes not believing what I just saw.

I screamed louder and suddenly fell to my knees. I held her cheeks in my hand while my hands were shaking and tears never stopped falling. Seeing the one who raised me while my parents were dead and no one to take care of me, lifeless on the ground, made me feel weak.

I screamed, my voice getting hoarse from screaming. I can't believe I'm all alone with no one to look after me and love me like my auntie. I'm all alone now, my loved ones were all dead. I wish I was the one that died not them.

I went back to my auntie's house after burying her body. I was walking like a zombie, my cheeks were stained with dried tears and my eyes were red. I felt like dying as well, I wanna be with my parents and auntie but I promised that I would live for them and protect myself when they were gone, but I didn't expect them to leave me this early. I was furious, knowing that it was Raven's allies that targeted my auntie.

Raven. The vampire who killed my parents in front of my two eyes destroyed my whole life and I felt like destroying him with my own hands like he did to my loved ones. I felt my hands forming into a fist, imagining his head and blood on my hands. I thought I'd never find anyone until I met my friends. Yoona, Aerin, and Sora. My friends from freshman year to senior year.

Back to the present time

I didn't notice tears falling down my eyes, I immediately wiped it away and went back to cleaning and distracting myself from crying again because of my parents. I can't believe I still remember the name of the killer of my parents, his name never left my mind as I was still furious about him but he disappeared a long time ago and I haven't seen him till now. I don't know but I still believe he's alive and I know he's somewhere hiding in this world. And I'm not scared to fight him because I have my girls with me.

The door opened the girls went inside with plastic bags in their hands and then placed them on the counter. They insisted on taking care of the groceries and told me to rest in my bedroom, I went to my bedroom and took a quick shower to wash out the sweat and odor in my body and get out of the bathroom clean and fresh with new fresh clothes on. I shivered at the cold feeling of the air conditioner and I immediately wrapped myself inside my blanket as a satisfied sigh escaped my mouth.

I was interrupted when my phone started ringing, I looked at my phone to see an unknown number calling me. I knitted my brows, confused but I still answered it.



"How did you know my name? Who are you?

"Do you not recognize my voice? Gosh, are you getting old, Ari?"

"Heeseung? How did you get my number?"

"I have my ways."

"Why did you call me? You are interrupting my peace..."

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin your peace. Fuck that, I can ruin everything about you... You're just gonna have to ask, darling."

"Fucking pervert, Heeseung. I hate you and don't call me that."

"I was just joking chill. No need to curse at me."

"I can curse at you whenever I want and I don't care if you're hurt or not."

"I'm not, I like it when you curse at me. It makes me wanna fuck that attitude out of you."

"Fuck you..."

"Fuck you too."

"You know what. Goodbye, you ruined my day already."

I hung up feeling annoyed by him and his flirting. I wanna rip off his mouth to stop him from talking more nonsense.

Gosh, that man is getting on my nerves.

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