Chapter Eight

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Ari pov

I woke up from my sleep, feeling my body stretch and move around. My eyes were half-open and my hair was a mess. I noticed that my clothes were all wrinkled from sleeping. I saw that the girls were still sleeping soundly. Yoona was almost falling off the couch, so I pushed her body back onto the couch. However, she stirred in her sleep, so I stopped.

"W-What happened?"
She sits up with her hands behind her back to support her weight, brushing her hair back and her eyes half open.

"Don't worry, nothing happened..."
She then looked at me at how confident I said those words.

She furrowed her brows, "How are you sure nothing happened?"

I sighed I didn't want to tell them so they wouldn't worry but Yoona was suspicious about me, "Me and Heeseung talked last night about it, and he said they didn't do anything to us."

"How are you believing them that fast? Who knows, what if they did something to us?"
Yoona was raising her voice, she was really worried for herself and us. Holding her shoulders down to relax her since she was too tense.

"At first I didn't believe him but He explained himself to me."
She sighed and looked over to her side while clenching her jaw.

"I don't believe him," Yoona says not looking at me, "Did he tell you what happened when we fainted?"

"He told me that they didn't do anything to us... That's it."
She looked at me and nodded but she looked unsure about what I said but chose to believe. She holds onto the armrest, helping herself to stand up and walk towards the kitchen groggily. Opening the fridge reaching for the pitcher inside and pouring it into the glass. I looked at the other two girls sleeping on the couch, still passed out. Hairs all over their face, clothes all wrinkled, bodies all over the couch, Sora's legs hanging from the backrest of the couch, and Aerin's legs almost falling off the couch.

"When are they gonna wake up?"
Yoona asked and was already standing in front of the armrest of the couch with her hands on her hips. I giggled a little while looking at them.

I sighed while brushing my hair back, "They will wake up soon..."

"How about we cook breakfast?"
Yoona asked as I got up from the couch. I nodded and followed her to the kitchen, I helped her get the ingredients as she prepared the pan and heated it. Crack three eggs in the bowl and mix them until it dissolves. The sound of the egg sizzling on the pan as Yoona pours the egg batter slowly into the hot pan. While she cooks, I wash the rice and place it on the rice cooker, and then set up the table, I place two more plates in case the two wake up.

I grabbed the plate with the scrambled egg and placed it in the center of the table, she also cooked some bacon and ramyeon. I helped cook the ramyeon, putting water in a pot and waiting for it to boil then putting ting the noodles in and putting the lid to cook faster. Yoona places the bacon on the plate beautifully and places it beside the egg. The rice was cooked and she put it into a bigger bowl, scooping the white steaming rice. My favorite thing in the world is rice, I can eat rice without anything I can eat it by itself. There's a taste that I like about it and it's more delicious when it's warm, not hot since I sometimes burn my tongue.

My mouth waters staring at the stealing rice on the table, I could grab a spoon and scoop a spoonful and put it in my mouth. I don't like brown rice, fried rice just white and plain rice. We have a stock of rice in the cabinet for me, you can heat it in the oven and eat it but I always eat rice without anything. If I crave something I go downstairs and grab the rice heating it and eating it without anything. And my cravings are satisfied after that.

While preparing, I heard a soft noise from the living room. Oh, I guess they are awake. I walked towards the living room and saw Aerin and Sora stirring in their sleep slowly opening their eyes. I was standing in front of them with my hands on my hips watching them slowly stand up.

"Good morning."
Sora hums in response, clearly not in the mood to answer yet since she just woke up. While Aerin was sleeping while sitting her head swayed from side to side but Sora woke her up since they had to eat breakfast.

I grabbed their bunny slippers and placed them in front of their feet, "Come on, get up. Breakfast is ready."

I walked away from the living room first then saw Yoona already sitting on the table waiting for us, I took a seat beside Yoona and the rest were walking like a zombie with their hair everywhere. They took a seat and Yoona offered them the rice first, we all ate in silence the utensils tapping on the plates as we ate, I felt very uncomfortable not talking to them but I noticed they didn't talk about what happened yesterday.

"Have we been sleeping for a while? What happened yesterday?"
I thought they wouldn't ask.

"Yeah, you guys have been sleeping for quite a long time. And nothing happened, I already talked to Heeseung last night and he said they didn't do anything to us."
Aerin furrowed her brows.

"If they didn't do anything to us... But, wait, why are you believing him that fast?"
She said.

"That's what I told her earlier..."
Yoona added while stabbing the bacon on the fork.

I sighed, "He explained to me and they promised they didn't do anything to us."

Aerin signed and just nodded her head and continued eating her food. Sora was still quiet but I left her ear in silence maybe she didn't wanna talk yet. The silence breaks with Yoona's question.

"There's a party tomorrow at 9 pm. Wanna join?"
Yoona asked and showed us a poster about the party. It's called the Blood Party. What a spooky name, it's said that students will be receiving an invitation to the party, and the host will be giving them out at noon.

"I mean... We don't go to parties that much. But, if you want to join then I'll go."
I said and Yoona looked at the two girls also looking at the poster on Yoona's screen.

Sora puts her glass down after chugging her water down, "I'll go if you guys go."

"Me too."
Aerin raised her hand while drinking her milk.

First time joining a party.

Hope it's worth it.

Destined | Lee Heeseungजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें