Chapter Six

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Ari pov

"Fancy seeing you here... Too."
I embarrassingly responded while he looked down at me with a teasing smile.

He leans against the wall, crossing his arms. We're at the end of the clothes section, out of sight. I'm relieved no one will witness my blushing.

"Are you alone, Ms. Ari?"
I shake my head at him.

"I'm with my friends."
I responded and he nodded. He was about to say something when female and male voices were calling our names.

"Heeseung! Where the fuck are you!"

"Ari! Where are you!"
I heard Yoona's voice getting closer, I tried to hide but it was too late they were already standing behind me and there were also three people behind Heeseung which made me even more timid.

"There you are. And fancy seeing you here, boys."
Yoona greets them and the three guys nod at us. 

"Fancy seeing you here, too... Ms. Yoona."
Jay smirks as he greets her as well. The two girls were also staring at Jake and Sunghoon.

Jay's hand landed on Heeseung's shoulder, "I see our playboy here saw your friend."

I bit my lips feeling so shy, I was about to run away here but they were all blocking the way so I just stood there looking like a lost child with my head down not being able to look into their eyes.

"Well, I hope your playboy friend here didn't do anything to our friend."
Yoona pulled me closer to her making me look at her, she was looking at them with a serious and expressionless face.

"No need to worry, Ms. Yoona. I'm sure he didn't do anything to her."
Yoona faked a smile and giggled then shifted her gaze to Heeseung.

She squints her eyes at Heeseung, "You didn't hit up on her, No?"

"Nope. She looks hot, but I didn't hit up on her."
I blushed at the compliment but I slapped myself for blushing for someone I just met and a fricking playboy.

"You guys shopping?"
Sunghoon asks us but his eyes never leave Sora. I looked at Sora but she looked unbothered by his stare and started back at him, expressionless and serious.

We hate them so much, but why does my body act the opposite?

Get your shit together, Ari.

"Uhh, yeah. What else are we supposed to do here?"
Sora replied matter-of-a-fact.

"We're just gonna go..."
Aerin said as we walked away but stopped when Jake spoke

"Wait– Why not hang out with us while you guys are here?"
I can hear Jake hum at the end of his sentence and I can feel his smirking when while saying that. Aerin looks behind staring at Jake.

"Are you hitting up on us right now?"
Aerin's low voice speaks.

"No... Maybe."
Jake giggles making Aerin scoff at his actions. What a fucking playboy Jake is, I thought that guy was innocent. I guess it's just his face that is innocent.

Aerin laughs sarcastically and then faces Jake, "I'm not playing around, Jake. Can all of you just fuck off?"

The boys behind Jake made some noise as Asrin said those words to him. Jake just accepts his defeat, raising his hands in the air.

"Let's go, girls."
Aerin says before rolling her eyes at Jake and we walk away from the store.

We went outside the store in silence, I could feel that they were annoyed cause of earlier. We walked towards a restaurant far away from the Gucci store so they wouldn't see us. As we got there, we saw four familiar faces sitting inside the restaurant looking at us with smirks on their faces like they knew we would be coming there. Sometimes I forget they are vampires, to be honest. We stopped in our tracks and looked at them in shock like we had seen a ghost.

"They can teleport? And how did they know we were coming here?"
Yoona asks without taking her eyes off the four males looking at us like they are about to eat us.

We didn't respond, still in shock. We moved back and walked away from the restaurant.
We were waking pretty fast like danger was chasing us.

"Let's just go to another restaurant."
Just as we got to the restaurant we saw their faces looking at us. Fucking hell.

'Should we just eat somewhere? Not in this mall.'
Yoona speaks through the mind link without taking her eyes off them.

'We should.'
Sora replied. We walked away again from the restaurant and walked to the exit of the mall. We didn't take a taxi and just walked towards our favorite restaurant outside the mall, they wouldn't find us there, right?

We walked inside and fuck they were already sitting inside the restaurant. We were stunned and just walked away again and hid in the alley beside the restaurant.

"How the hell? How did they know we were going there?"
Aerin annoyingly asked while catching her breath since it was hot and we only walked to the restaurant.

"Idiot, they are using their powers."
Yoona says to Aerin.

Aerin scoffed, "I'm not an idiot, I just didn't know they could do that"

"It's almost past noon, aren't you guys gonna eat lunch?"
We froze hearing a male voice behind us. We slowly looked behind to see they were standing behind us leaning against the concrete wall with a smirk on their faces.

"Can you just leave us alone?"
Sora spoke, begging them. Sunghoon laughs at Sora, shaking his head while his fang-like teeth show when he smiles.

"Oh no, We can't just let someone leave just like that after cursing at us."
Jay said, his voice deep and husky while his sharp eyes were looking at us, more like piercing into our souls.

"You ladies are very bold and have filthy mouths..."
Jake speaks up looking at Aerin with his red eyes. Aerin stays unbothered by his stares.
Their red eyes were piercing at us making us feel anxious, their eyes looked like they could kill us.

"Just let us go... Please."
I begged. Heeseung chuckled hearing me beg.

"I like it when you beg, Ms. Ari."
His deep, husky voice speaking to me is making me feel small and fragile. We look like scared puppies begging for mercy, this isn't us. What happened to the fearless and powerful girls?

"Bad girls like you, ladies, deserve to be punished..."
Heeseung said and after that, everything went black.

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