Chapter Fourteen

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Ari pov

The girls and I were hanging out in the dorm's living room, playing board games, watching TV, and enjoying some snacks. After a few hours, we decided to watch a movie on the TV. Suddenly, we heard a loud banging sound on our door, which frightened us all. The banging was so forceful that it seemed like the door was about to break. Yoona, one of my friends, panicked and quickly opened the door. To our surprise, we were greeted by the police.

"All of you are under arrest for murdering!"
Four police went inside our dorm and suddenly wrapped our wrists with handcuffs.

"W-What's happening? Sir, we didn't murder anyone!"
Yoona screamed trying to get out of the police's tight grip on her arms. The police dragged us out of the dorm and then we came face-to-face with Alexa with her friend smirking at us.


"How dare you? We didn't kill anyone!"
I harshly said to Alexa but she just smiled and waved bye at us. If these police can just take their hands off me, I'll fucking run straight to her and punch her.

Where's Heeseung? Why am I even thinking about him? They are not gonna save us, why am I even expecting they would come and save us? They are liars and I know they never meant anything that they said in the empty classroom. While we were being dragged we saw Mr. Kang waiting for us but he didn't look happy at all.

"I trusted you girls, I thought you would never do something like this."
Disappointment can be heard in his voice. I shake my head nonstop.

"It wasn't us! We are telling the truth!"
Mr. Kang shook his head and looked at us.

"Miss Alexa showed us the evidence, how can I not trust that when I saw it all with my two eyes?"
I cried. They will never believe us because of that stupid video, that shit is edited.

Where are you Heeseung? His name was in my mind, expecting him to come save and defend us. I should stop expecting, I know they would never save us, they don't even care about us. I guess we will live our lives in prison, there's nothing I can do. Fuck this life.

"Take your hands off her this instant!"
A loud, familiar voice screamed from the hallway causing our attention. We all looked back and I saw Heeseung walking toward Mr. Kang with his friends behind him.

My lips whispered his name and he looked at me for a second before talking to Mr. Kang. I was expecting him and he came, I don't know but I felt happy seeing him.

"Mr. Kang, what's happening here?"
Heeseung asked the principal.

Mr. Kang then looks at us, "They are going to jail for murder. I thought they were telling the truth but Miss Alexa showed us some evidence."

"We talked about this, Mr. Kang. They never knew about this matter and they were drunk last night, remember? We were the ones who brought them back to the dorm, how could they go outside and suddenly kill someone when they were drunk?"
Jay speaks up and almost raises his voice while talking.

"That evidence Alexa showed you are fucking edited! They were never true!"
Jay cursed out furiously.

"How are you sure that it was edited?" Mr. Kang asked and Jay was losing it. "Because they weren't there! I told you multiple times, Mr. Kang. We were with them last night."
Jay screamed but Heeseung tried to calm him down, putting his hand on his shoulder.

Jay pulled out his phone, "I have evidence to prove that they are innocent..."

Jay played an audio playing it on high volume, you can hear the scream of agony of the student and then Alexa's evil voice can be heard laughing and talking so harshly at the student. The sound of the knife stabbing the person makes me feel like vomiting. I felt Heeseung's eyes on me and he grabbed the phone to stop the audio.

"Now you tell me, Mr. Kang. Out of all the evidence and defenses, we told you... Do you think we are lying? While Alexa only showed you a fake video and then you believed her in an instant..." Heeseung paused. "It isn't fair, Mr. Kang."

Mr. Kang didn't know what to say and was too stunned to respond. The police were listening to them argue and then they suddenly removed the handcuffs from our hands. The girls suddenly walked towards me and hugged me, crying on my shoulders.

Yoona sobs into my shoulder and calls out my name so weakly. I pat her head calming her down, I think they were scared thinking they were about to live behind bars when they didn't even do anything.

"Call the four girls earlier, officer. I wanna talk with them."
The police nodded and walked away. Mr. Kang then looks at the boys.

"I apologize for calling out the wrong person."
Then he walked away from us. I pulled out of the hug and started at the girls, wiping their tears away and telling them that everything was okay. I looked at Heeseung, and without thinking I quickly ran to him and hugged him right wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Thank you so much... Heeseung."
I sobbed while talking to him, my voice weak and quiet. I felt him slowly wrap his arms around my waist while his other hand caressed my hair.

"Everything is fine now..."
He whispered so comfortingly making me melt in his embrace. Pulling out from the hug and holding onto his arm while his hand was on top of my elbow, I looked towards the girls to see them hugging his friends, we all felt so thankful.

I removed my hands from him and stared at him, "We are going back to our dorm and taking a break from what happened... Thank you so much, Heeseung. Thank you very much..."

I called the girls to follow me back to our dorm to calm themselves down. I looked back to Herseung and smiled at him, I saw him smile a little at me. He rarely smiles and it felt good to see him smile.

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