Chapter Twenty

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Ari pov

"What happened?"
I asked Yoona who seemed to be in a bad mood sitting on the couch with her chin on her palm and pouting like a baby.

She said without looking at me. I sat beside her and asked her again.

"I'm going to ask again one last time or I'm not gonna buy you your Burger King. What happened?"
I threatened and she didn't have any choice and sighed since she likes Burger King and I know she would do anything for it.

"I saw Jay with a girl earlier."
I knitted my brows together, confused about her problem.

"So? Why are you jealous?"
She looked at me offended and shocked and denied it, shaking her head and kept on defending herself.

I looked at her while smiling, "You know, you're so obvious. You are jealous of the girl, I can see it from your face."

"Ok fine. You caught me already, I can't lie anymore."
She rolls her eyes still jealous about the girl I guess since her attitude is getting worse.  Why is she even getting jealous in the first place?

"Why are you even jealous if you don't like Jay? Or maybe you like him that's why you're being jealous?"
She didn't say anything to me causing me to think I was right.

She grasped her hair and then talked, "I don't know. I don't have feelings for him but I felt... Jealous..."

"Then maybe there's something more to what you are feeling and you are just denying it."
She sighs doesn't know how to respond. She's thinking deeply and I can hear the question filling in her brain.

Do I like him? Do I have romantic feelings with a fucking playboy? Fuck, why am I getting jealous?

I silently laughed hearing a bunch of curse words in her mind, she didn't know if she liked him or what. I don't know what I missed, how the hell did this girl get feeling for that guy? It's so shocking, maybe it's because of the kiss or something I don't know. I notice she has been lately staying in her room only coming out after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Something is going on with her, but it's just a crush I mean it will fade away.

"If you think you have a crush on him that's fine, it will soon fade away."
I pat her shoulder to comfort her and ease her mind, she's thinking deeply and drowning herself in her thoughts.

She looked at me and nodded slowly, "Yeah... You're right. It will fade away soon."
She smiled positively.


"I've noticed you and Heeseung are getting a little too close..."
Sora smirked at me while we were eating lunch in the cafeteria. I rolled my eyes at her.

"No, we are not. He's just annoying me as usual."
I stab my food with the fork feeling a little annoyed hearing his name. Speaking of him, I see him in the very corner of the cafeteria sitting with his friends and looking at me with a grin on his face. I made a disgusted face and avoided his stare.

Such a fucking weirdo.

"Well, that means you both are getting close to each other. How cute!"
Aerin squealed at the thought of me and him getting close and being friends. Fuck that.

"Not cute at all."
I roll my eyes for the ninth time.

"Hey guys, speaking of Heeseung. He and his friends are at the very corner and Heeseung is staring at Ari."
Sora squealed while nudging my shoulder, I looked in Heeseung's direction and saw him looking at me seriously with his finger brushing against his bottom lip and manspreading. Gosh, what's with this man?

Ok, wait, the feeling in my stomach.

"Damn girl, He be looking at you like you're his next meal."
Yoona joked and they all squealed together. I can't wait to spank these kids and wait till I tell them about Yoona.

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