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It would just be for a week. There was no reason to panic.

Or at least, that's what Katelyn kept telling herself.

She had no idea why her mind could not focus on her work, her classes or even on eating. She had no idea why she kept thinking of things completely unrelated to the things she should be doing. She had no idea why she kept reassuring herself that she should not panic, and yet she was restless. She didn't know where the restlessness was coming from.

Maybe she was just overthinking things?

She knew she said she wouldn't miss Abigail and when she said that, she was fairly certain that she would not. In fact, she was actually glad that the girl would be going away because that would give her time to work on the things she needed to work on.

Still, it did not explain why she glanced at her phone every five minutes, or why the softest tone that her phone made would awake her from the deepest of slumbers.

She was very confused.

"You're lovesick."

Bethany so aptly put it for her but she refused to believe that that was true. She was better than that, better than trivial things such as lovesickness.

And was there really such a thing as lovesickness anyway? Isn't that an imaginary illness, brought on by stupidity and naiveté?It would just be plain ridiculous to say that a person cannot function without the "love of their life" by their side.

But she kept looking at her phone.

"It's that girl, isn't it?" Beth asked as she sat on her bed while painting her nails.

Kate looked at her friend confusedly until the girl left out an exasperated sigh.

"You go to all lengths to make people think you don't care about 'romantic stuff' but actually, you do. And you're in love with her." She said firmly.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, keeping the confused look on her face. She put down the book she was reading on her bedside table and stared at Beth for a long time.

"And how do you know I'm in love with 'that girl'?" She said incredulously. "You haven't even met her. You just saw her in the library once."

"Girl... you're a grownup woman and I'm sure you know now what the benefit of being a woman is." Beth said nonchalantly and she didn't even look up at her when she said it.

"We're not entirely clueless and we care about every little thing around us. And when I say you're in love with that girl, trust me, you are. And if that's not enough for you, here's a little evidence I can present: you have been less annoying and less bitchy for quite some time now. That should account for something, right?"

Could it really be?

No. It couldn't. It was just too... ridiculous!

She laughed and Bethany looked at her incredulously.

"Fine, you can laugh all you want now but you're going to realize it soon enough. I mean, you barely spend the night here anymore. Why are you still even here? You should just move in with her, whoever she is, and I bet it'd be more convenient."

I barely spent time in my dorm room?

She didn't realize that. She thought back to the last time she slept in her dorm for more than two or three days. It was at that time, when Abbie left for that trip when she was gone for two weeks. It was... hmmm... indeed a long time ago.

But it wasn't as if she didn't know how it felt like to be in love. She had actually felt it before... or she thought she did. But regardless, she was pretty sure it would feel the same, but as of the moment, she wasn't feeling it.

Could she really be in love with Abigail? Then she should know, right? She should at least have some idea.

"Face it. You're smitten." Beth was smiling as though she just made a hundred-year-old discovery and Katelyn could barely comprehend what she was saying.

"Smitten?" She said with a snort-like chuckle. It just sounded completely absurd.

And then she looked at her phone again.

Am I smitten?

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