First Day 0.17%

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A couple of days later

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A couple of days later

I finally got myself back together after what happened at my mom's gravestone. I had started talking to everyone again and i felt energized and happy. It was the first day of school and I was excited cause I finally got to show off my school clothes.

I was in the car and Jennicy was driving to my school Justyce was in the passenger seat and i was in the back playing wit my nephew.

"Boy don't be hitting me wit that ipad"

I saw that we pulled into dunkin donuts.

Jennicy:"What ya'll want?"

"I want two pink sprinkled donuts and an orange juice"

Justyce:"I want a choclate and a blueberry muffin and an orange juice"

Jennicy ordered the stuff and we finished driving to school, I got dropped off first since my school was closer i said bye and walked into school.

I walked to my class and saw it was only a few people in there i sat in my spot i usally sat in that was in the middle of the class next to the window.

I started eating my donuts and watching tiktok I saw my bestfriend come in and i started smiling.


"Hey bestfriendd!"

She came over to me and hugged me she sat down and we started talking.

"I thought you went to a different school"

T:"I did but my mom transfered me here"

"Ooh we finna have so much funn"


We finished talking and then got on the phone wit our mans.

D:"Bae you betta save me a donut"

"Boy by the time you get here these donuts finna be gone"

D:"No they not cause I'm walkin to the class now"


I hung up and a few seconds later him and Demauri came in the class.

They came over to us and Demaurion kissed me and grabbed one of my donuts.

"Boy didn't you eat already"

D:"Mhm but I got hungry again"

"Just fat"

Twins sat behind us and we all started talking .

I felt someone staring at me so I looked up and saw Kimora staring at me. I scrunched my face up cause wtf.

"If a bitch don't like me why she staring?" I mumbled to myself so nobody could hear.

The rest of the day went by fast and it was fun. I had most of my classes with Trin or Demaurion and all my teachers loved me. We ai'nt do any work since it was the first day and when I got picked up Jennicy took me and Justyce to McDonlad's.

We went home and I went in my room and ate and then babysat my nephew and talked to my bestfriend.

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