A Light at the end of the Tunnel

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Senna woke up right before sunrise, as was the custom with her people, but instead of starting with daily meditation she instead liked to watch the sun rise into the sky. She thought that sunrise and sunset were the most beautiful times of the day when day and night mix and create such a beautiful twilight Just because she was now living in such a foreign place, she did not want completely forgo her favorite routine of the day, so she quickly got her bath and got herself ready for the day ahead.

The castle stairs she found were the best place to be able to watch the sunrise, she wasn't sure if there was another place to be able to but she didn't feel it was right to just wander around without permission. As the sky slowly went from a light blue to a rising red and orange sky, Senna felt for the first time a sense of peace starting to wash over her.

No magic in the world could ever recreate this kind of beauty.

She just continued to watch as the sun made its way upward just lost in her thoughts.


Senna jumped a bit and turned around startled by whoever called her name. She relaxed a bit when she saw it was just Eraqus's pupil, Terra.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you," he said apologetically as he scratched the back of his neck.

"It's quite all right, just lost in my thoughts"

She could see the sympathetic look on his face, which tells her that he would like to say more, but doesn't out of respect. She appreciated it.

"Well, Aqua tried to knock on your door since breakfast is ready, and when she sensed you weren't in your room, we decided to look for you and make sure you were all right."

Senna felt touched by their concern, but at the same time a bit uncomfortable as she felt a lot of that concern wasn't genuine but more out of obligation.

"I'm sorry, usually summoners wake up with the sun, but I like to wake up a bit earlier so I can watch the sunrise. It's one of my favorite times of the day, besides sunset. This was the best place to watch it."

"Well If I may, I think the training grounds might be a better spot to watch the sunrise and sunset," Terra said without missing a beat.

Senna just shrugged "I'm not too familiar with the layout of the place quite yet, and I don't feel comfortable just walking around quite yet by myself."

"Well how about after Master's lecture, Aqua, Ven, and I can show you around? After all, this is your home now too."

Though Senna was smiling outwardly, when he mentioned this place being her home now just brought back that empty feeling in the pit of her stomach again.

"Sure, that would be lovely, thank you."

She knew it would be a good idea to get an idea of the layout of the place, and maybe find a good place to be able to summon some of her familiars. It's been way too long since she's seen some of her friends.

Terra led her into the dining hall, once he informed everyone of her whereabouts. It wasn't as awkward as she expected it to be, everyone included her in whatever conversations they were having and she would answer each one as best she could.

"So, Senna, have you ever seen shooting stars before," Ven asked with his usual energetic demeanor

Senna just shakes her head "No, I've never been out long enough past sunset to see any shooting stars."

"Well how about tonight we do some star gazing, maybe we'll see some."

Senna couldn't help but smile, she could sense a pure bright light in Ven one that would make anyone comfortable in his presence because of his innocence. It was also strange; something was different about his heart almost as if it was incomplete.

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