Master Xehanort Part 2

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Senna was bewildered, how on earth did Master Xehanort know she was in the room and how long was he aware of her following them? He turned his head back right before they entered the room, but she didn't think anything of it because she was confident in the invisibility spell, she cast on herself and the silence spell so her footsteps couldn't have been heard.

"Now Lady Senna, I don't think I need to remind you about the rudeness of staring"

She blinked her eyes quickly as she started to apologize "M-Master Xehanort, please accept my apology, I- "

She stopped herself mid-sentence, not sure how to even explain herself since she didn't think she would've been caught.

"No need to apologize, Curiosity after all is what leads us to knowledge, and knowledge makes us wiser," he said not at all sounding upset over her eavesdropping on his and Master Eraqus's conversation, but instead he almost sounded pleased.

Before Senna could think of something to say he just continued "Now I assumed you were listening because something we said piqued your interest. As I said go ahead and ask and you will find that I am a man who will be honest with you in the answers that I can provide you."

"There's a lot I would like to ask, but I suppose I should start by asking about this Lunar Eclipse and what it has to do with me," she asked though it was obvious there was still an uneasiness in her voice, not knowing what to expect.

Master Xehanort just smiled as he began his explanation "You see a Lunar Eclipse is what happens when the planet of a world falls between the sun and the moon with the planet's shadow overtaking the moon's. This in turn causes the moon to appear red due to the sunlight reaching the moon must pass through that world's atmosphere. However, this only happens once every 300 years, a very rare event and it is said those born during such an event are often blessed by the moon itself. In my studies, I stumbled upon the name of a keyblade wielder Nevrexa, who was born 317 years ago. She was the only child recorded to be born during the event, and as she grew older, she started to display a remarkable talent for not just the keyblade but magic itself and became a leading figure in the keyblade war, one theory states that the moon is actually a spirit that watches over all the worlds and blesses those she deems worthy. The last known Lunar Eclipse happened 17 years ago in your world of Spira"

Senna took in that information, as well as what little she heard from both him and Master Eraqus. There was still some uncertainty about the whole story, but it did offer some explanation of why she looked so different.

"If I were to believe that, would that be the reason for my eyes and hair being the color that they are" she asks gesturing to her red eyes and purple hair

Master Xehanort just nodded "It is a strong possibility, though I cannot say for certain as Nevrexa was never mentioned beyond a simple page in my studies, and no predecessors to go by either. It is my own personal belief that those who have been born during a Lunar Eclipse are chosen specifically for a greater purpose."

"How can you be so certain that I was indeed born during such an event" Senna asked, feeling apprehensive that she could be born for anything important. She couldn't even stay and fight for her home, so why would fate or a moon spirit believe she was worthy of doing something extraordinary?

"I imagine you already know about the friction between keyblade wielders and summoners especially after your grandfather's sacrifice to seal Sin away."

Senna just nodded but did not understand what he was getting at "Yeah I only heard the disputes were over the exchange of knowledge between the two groups but then the keyblade wielders refused to get involved when Sin attacked and then there was no more communication on either side at least until recently."

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