Dwarf Woodlands (Senna and Ven Part 1)

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Senna sprinted through the portal, hoping and praying against all the odds she would run across someone; she needed to tell them about what she had discovered. She clutches her necklace and closes her eyes as she painfully remembers what the Fates had told her about Terra, Aqua, and Ven.

Aqua is being used as a backup to this clash between Light and Darkness. Vanitas is the darkness that was forcibly removed from Ven. Both will perish if something happens to the other and then Terra's fate for the next 11 years will be something much worse than death.

She bites her lip so hard that she draws a bit of blood and lets out a few welled-up tears that she has been fighting hard to hold back. First, she lost her mother; she grew up ostracized by all the villagers, and then she lost her father, the only other person to have loved her. Now, just when she finds a place where she belongs, it is all about to be ripped away from her.

Senna's eyes opened, and she noticed the exit was just a few feet away. At the moment, she was feeling a mix of emotions - anger, sadness, and fear - but her determination to find a solution to save everyone was stronger than any of those.

I don't care what the fates say; I will find a way to save them from Xehanort. There is always a way.

As Senna emerged from the portal, she carefully surveyed her surroundings. In front of her was a mountain trail with two distinct paths—one leading up to some cliffs and the other, a lower path that seemed to lead to some entranceway. Behind her lay a dense forest, shrouded in darkness, where she suspected sunlight might struggle to reach.

As she walked away from the woods, she climbed up the mountain trail towards the cliff to get a better view of the area. As she approached the cliff, she felt several knots in her stomach, as if something bad was about to happen. In response, she quickly grabbed her staff from her back and turned around, but she saw nothing.

"I have to stay on guard; who knows what could be out here in a terrain like this?"

The moment she turned back around to continue, she immediately regretted her words as they seemed to have jinxed her. In front of her were creatures she had never seen before; several were small and blue, with what looked like antennas on their heads.

Senna felt frozen in place as she tightened her grip on her staff. Her breathing became irregular as she struggled to decide her next move. She found it difficult to gather her thoughts as she observed the creatures before her.

As she approached, the creatures suddenly turned and looked at her. They then sank into the ground, leaving her bewildered and afraid. She took a few steps back, watching the shadows move closer to her.

Out of nowhere, the creatures emerged from the ground with their claws poised to attack. Reacting quickly, she held up her staff to shield herself from their assault. Unexpectedly, her staff unleashed a powerful gust of wind instead of creating a barrier as she had intended. The wind was so strong that it caused the creatures to disappear into dark flames.

Senna sighed and looked down at her staff, unsure of what had happened.

What caused my staff to do something different than what I commanded? Nothing has happened like that before.

She looked back up where the creatures once stood, wondering if there were others like them in other worlds. There wasn't any she when she visited the Olympus Coliseum, but then again, her visit was brief as she spent most of the time in the Underworld.

"Xehanort and Vanitas must be responsible for these creatures."

Senna went back to what Terra said about confidence being the key to battle. If this wasn't an indicator, she still had a long way to go, but unfortunately, time wasn't on her side. She knew she had the determination and motivation, so she knew the confidence would come to her in time.

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