A Magic Lesson

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It's been almost a week since Senna's arrival, and so far, she's found herself a routine that has worked so far. She begins the day by watching the sunset before joining everyone for breakfast, and then while they are in their morning lessons, she'll do her morning meditation for about an hour. It helped immensely in making sure her emotions were mostly in control for the day, of course, there were those few moments in between when her grief starts to take control, but it's slowly getting easier to manage. Then after Lunch, she would join in the magic lessons, but only as an observer, she wanted to see where each of their levels was before she would even consider trying her hand out at giving a lesson herself as Master Eraqus had requested. Tomorrow would be the real deal and she was silently freaking out on the inside about having to give lessons.

Hence where she was now standing off to the side along with Eraqus, observing the trio practicing their magic outside on the training grounds. It was obvious Aqua was quite talented in the art of magic, every spell she cast was a hard hitter and each one was done in quick succession. Senna was confident that anything that she could teach her, she would readily take to easily. Ven defiantly went beyond the basics, but nowhere near Aqua's level. He seemed to have a preference for Aero magic to increase his already rapid movements. Then there was Terra and Master Eraqus was not exaggerating when he said that he was more of a physical attacker. No doubt out of the three he could do the most damage in so little time, but it was obvious his slow movement and his mediocre magic skills were the biggest drawbacks when it came to his attack style.

"All right that is enough for now" Master Eraqus announces as he steps forward to end the session.

He looks over each of them momentarily before continuing.

"Now as a reminder, I will be unavailable most of the day tomorrow as I have important matters to discuss with Yen Sid as well as Xehanort."

Ven immediately tensed up at the mention of Xehanort, which was something that did not escape Senna's eyes.

"If you so choose to take the day for leisure or continue with your daily regiments, I only ask that all of you take a magic lesson from Senna, you all would benefit greatly as Summoners have a deeper connection to Magic." Master Eraqus said as he looked specifically at Terra, who looked a bit sheepish.

Once they were dismissed, everyone just dispersed to do their own thing until their next afternoon lesson. Senna headed to the library that was located in the castle if she wasn't outside when they did the more physical part of their training, she was always in the library. She was always an avid reader since she was young, it gave her an escape from the reality of being an outcast among her people even if it was just for a brief moment. She enjoyed almost any kind of genre, except for horror novels she was too squeamish for stuff like that.

Though this time, she had a more educational book she was interested in, so she made sure to stop by her room and grabbed her notepad. There were much more books on constellations than she thought, so she just grabbed the first one that grabbed her attention, went ahead and sat down at the desk, and immediately got immersed.

(Aqua's room)

Aqua sat on the floor in the middle of her room with her legs crossed and her hands folded together in the middle. Her eyes were closed, as she let out a deep breath. A conversation with Senna the other day, when they started talking about different ways to meditate, got her completely interested in trying some new stuff. She mentioned that one of the elders taught about improving one's senses through meditation by not getting attached to any of your thoughts just let them be and soon you'll be more aware of your surroundings. Senna's enthusiasm for mediation really shined through during that conversation, and it made Aqua happy to see her slowly coming out of her shell.

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