Plans and Basic Training

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Senna and Terra made their way back into the castle, as she hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast yesterday and she could no longer ignore her stomach's calling. Luckily Terra didn't say anything, but she saw the laugh he was trying to hide.

The moment they entered, the first thing they saw was Ven happily chasing around her three fairies.

"So those must be your fairies" Terra stated watching the scene in amusement.

"Yeah, no surprise that they took quite a liking to one another."

Before Terra could respond, Ven noticed them and quickly made his way over to the two of them.

"Hey so did you guys make up already" he asked, already knowing the answer by his wide smile.

"Everything is fine Ven, we talked it out and-" Terra began to say before Rikku, Yuna, and Paine flew right in front of him, mere inches from his face. It caused him to take a step back in surprise.

Senna let out a chuckle as she put a hand over her face, cringing at what they were about to say to Terra.

"Terra those are Rikku, Yuna, and Paine, my three fairy familiars."

Terra got over his surprise and smiled as he was about to reciprocate the introduction until Rikku and Yuna started in their enthusiasm

"Oh, my goodness, look how cute he is Rikku," Yuna said with her hands on her face as she took in the sight of Terra.

"Look at those muscles, they are so tight."

Terra felt a bit self-conscious as they just flew around him and eyed him up "Um"

Paine just crossed her arms with an impressive look on her face "Now this is what a real man looks like."

Senna just pinched the bridge of her nose, as Rikku came up to her ear and started to whisper something to her.

"Rikku" Senna gasped, as she quickly flickered the small fairy away, causing her to shriek as she flew back.

Ven took notice of Senna's face "What's wrong, Senna your face is all red."

Senna turned away from them "Nothing, I'm going to go and eat now. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday."

She didn't even wait to see if Ven or Terra were going to follow her, she just wanted to get out of the room to save her from further embarrassment.

Once she arrived in the dining hall, she was happy to see Aqua with some food already prepared on the table. Though it seems she had already eaten, and was currently sketching something in a notepad.

"Hey Aqua what are you sketching there" She asks as she sits down and immediately grabs a plate and starts piling some food on it.

Aqua looked up and smiled "How are you feeling, any better."

"Oh yes, just hungry more than anything right now," Senna said as she took a bite from one of the buns.

"That's good, by the way, I ran into your little fairy friends when I came back in and they are such a lively bunch, Ven sure is having a good time with them. Can you summon more at once or are you limited to a certain number of familiars"

She swallowed and quickly wiped her mouth "I'm limited unfortunately, though Yuna, Rikku, and Paine are the exception to that rule because their powers are so intertwined with each other. I would like to try and find a way to summon them all at once, but that will take some time."

I need to find a way to allow them to reside in this world permanently.

Her mind went back to those visions that she had before she passed out, her father had a knack for predicting things but it wasn't like what she experienced. She hoped deep down that maybe it was just a coincidence, but in this situation with the boy with the mask, she didn't want to take any chances it was too risky. She'd rather be safe than sorry, should these visions come to fruition or not.

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