Dwarf Woodlands (Senna and Ven Part 2)

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Senna was relieved they made it through the forest without encountering many of those creatures. Ven quickly took care of the few they did come across, while Senna stayed with Snow White, guarding her.

They reached a clearing, their eyes drawn to a small bridge that led to a quaint cottage.

"It must be where those little men live," she said, noticing that she would have to duck through the door even to enter.

Ven turns to Snow White. "I'm pretty sure you'll be safe here, but sit tight while I look around."

"Ven, wait. You shouldn't just walk into someone else's house," she warned as he approached the door.

"I won't be long; after all, it's probably the only safe place for miles away for her to take shelter with those creatures running about."

Despite Ven being right, she bit her lip, uneasy about entering someone's house without permission, especially after the little men's uptight behavior during their previous encounter. She knew that invading their home like this would not be taken kindly by them.

"I wish there was some way I could repay the kindness you two have shown me," Snow White said as she bowed to Senna.

"No need to thank us; it's only right to help those in need. But if you don't mind me asking, how did you end up so far deep in the forest."

"Well, I was picking flowers by the woods, and a stranger was there. He had a sword that looked more like a key, like Ven's, and then these monsters came, and he protected me before I ran into the woods."

Upon hearing what Snow White said, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Tell me, was he a younger man or an older man with a sword?" she asked, wanting to make sure of who Snow White was talking about; she didn't want to get her hopes up.

"He was a young man, a handsome one at that."

Senna felt relief wash all over her, knowing that Terra had been here and was alright.

Hopefully, he is still here; maybe Ven and I can catch up to him.

The door opened, and Ven emerged with a smile. "Everything looks good, and even some beds upstairs if you need to rest."

"Ven, Snow just informed me that Terra has been here."

"Really," Ven said, his expression turning into pure Joy.

"Oh, is this Terra, a friend of yours?" Snow asked, appearing delighted she was able to able them.

"Yeah, he's one of our best friends," Senna said, though at least for her he goes beyond that right now, but without an official title.

"Well, if you go back into the woods and head North, you will come across a Flower Glade near a castle; he might still be there fighting those monsters," Snow said as she turned back to the woods and pointed towards a castle in the distance.

Senna and Ven gave each other a knowing look.

"Thank you, Snow; you stay here and stay inside. Ven and I will be back soon to check on you."

Snow White just nodded as she turned around and headed inside the cottage.

As they headed deep into the woods, Ven told her about what he had been up to since he left.

"How on earth did you end up so small?" she asked, giggling at the image of Ven as small as a mouse.

He just shrugged. "Beats me, though it wasn't all that bad once you got used to it. Being small does have its advantages."

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