Castle of Dreams (Aqua Part 2)

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"So, are you ready, dear? I'm afraid we don't have much time left," The Fairy godmother informed her.

Aqua nods "Yes."

Fairy godmother waves her wand as she says, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo."

She then pointed the wand at her, and Aqua felt herself getting smaller and enveloped by a white light. It then carried her up to the open window on the second story.

When the light was dispensed, she looked around the living area and was amazed by how big everything was compared to her now short stature. Right in the middle of the room, she saw a mouse in a red outfit struggling to carry a gold key on his back.

"Mean stepmommy. G-Gotta help Cinderelly."

Aqua quickly caught up to him. "Are you ok?

"Cinderelly's stepmommy locked her in her room. I've gotta let her out. I've got to save Cinderelly."

She stopped in place, realizing it was Jaq, whom the Fairy godmother told her about. She could tell by how he struggled that he cared for Cinderella very much.

She must be something special to have this kind of effect on those around her.

"Let me help you," Aqua said, summoning her Keyblade, knowing it would make opening the locked door easier, with a simple beam from the tip.

"Oh, thank you."

He then stopped, turned his head around, and looked at her with a big smile.

However, he soon jumped back a bit in shock once his eyes saw her Keyblade.

"That's like Ven-Ven's. Did you ever meet Ven-Ven?"

She was caught off guard by his mention of Ven but relieved she wasn't too far behind him.

"My name is Aqua, but tell me how you know about Ven."

"We're friends-good friends. Ven-Ven helped me fix Cinderella's dress."

"And where is he now?"

She could only hope he was still in this world; she needed to get him home before he got seriously hurt.

"He's looking for a friend-another friend."

Aqua sighed in disappointment upon realizing that Ven had arrived before her and Terra.

Ven, you must have just missed Terra.

A voice from downstairs quickly got both her and Jaq's attention.

"I can't understand why... it always fit perfectly before."

As she listened intently, she recognized the duke's voice, and it was clear he was growing impatient.

"Quite enough of this. The next young lady, please."

Jaq looked alarmed. "Oh no. Hear that? We've got to hurry. Cinderelly's gotta try on that slipper."

"Come on, come on, hurry," Jaq said as he took off running towards the mouse hole, which she presumed would lead to Cinderella's room.

Before he could make it far, several of the shadow Unversed appeared out of the ground.

Jaq quickly took a few steps back. "Ah! No, no, no! We've got to hurry."

She quickly ran in front of Jaq, knowing that time was of the essence of freeing Cinderella from her room.

"It's all right. Leave this to me. Jaq, don't lose that key."

Jaq smiled and nodded before running to the hole. "Thanks, Aqua."

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