Olympus Coliseum Part 1 (Senna)

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Senna walked down the dimension that was in between the Land of Departure, the last world she was in, and the current world that she was heading towards. The last time she's been through the portal she didn't pay much attention to her surroundings; she was more focused on just losing her home and then being sent to another unfamiliar place.

The whole atmosphere was a dark blue color with some shades of green throughout, and each step that she took created a solid pathway of light. With such a place, Senna thought the temperature would've been a bit cooler, but no the temperature in here was just above lukewarm. Not too hot, but not too cold either.

Soon enough the other side came into view, but unlike the previous times where the exit was nothing more than a bright light, she could get a glimpse of the world she was about it see. She could see what appeared to be gates and she couldn't help but smile at statues standing off to the sides of the gates.

"Greek soldiers," Senna said excitedly, hoping she would get to meet a Greek figure that she had read about in some of her readings.

The two statues were standing on either side of the gate with their swords crossed as if they were battling, dressed in the traditional garb of a soldier, with breastplates and helmets that had fur going down the back of them.

Since she started getting increasingly into constellations, the whole Greek mythology just became even more fascinating to her, the stories of heartbreak and courage. She quickly started sprinting towards the exit, excited to see this world even if it was only brief.

When she exited the portal, the first thing that caught her attention was the heat, it wasn't too unbearable but she'd never experienced such high temperatures before. Back in the village, the normal temperatures weren't too much higher than the lukewarm atmosphere of the portal she walked in. The Land of Departure while a bit more on the hotter side always had that nice gentle breeze frequently enough to help cool you down.

Senna then looked up at the gates, astounded by the size of it all. She probably wouldn't even reach the knees of the statues that were in front of the gates.

I wonder what they use it for.

She was then brought out of her thoughts, by the sound of someone yelling.

"Hey, watch out."

By the time she turned around, it was too late, the person had already crashed into her, knocking them both to the ground pretty hard. For a moment Senna's vision was extremely blurry, from the unexpected contact. She could feel the other person getting off her as he groaned in pain.

"I'm so sorry about that, here let me help you up"

Senna sat up as she rubbed her head which was now aching, and looked up to see who this person was. He was a boy who couldn't have been no older than 16, he had bright orange hair that went a little bit past his shoulders and bright blue eyes. He wore nothing but a plain white toga that was attached to a metal pendant that had a lightning bolt engraved onto it.

"No, I should be the one to apologize for not being more aware of my surroundings," she said graciously taking his hand and letting him help her off the ground.

"The name's Hercules, Herc for short"

She couldn't help but chuckle over the similarity of introducing his full name and then his nickname like Ven does.

"My name is Senna, and that was a very powerful crash," she said, a bit surprised now that she got a better look at Herc and saw how gauntly he was, almost like he was skin and bones. However, that collision felt more powerful than it should've been.

He just rubbed the back of his head "Sorry about that, I was running 1,000 laps around Thebes in preparation for the games."


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