Lord Braska

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Senna was confused as to why she suddenly felt so tired. She was sure that none of the poison from the tree had come into contact with her. As she had the last vision, she felt perfectly fine, but afterward, she could barely even recall it except that Terra had looked at Aqua, Ven, and herself with a mixture of hurt and anger in his expression.

As they arrived at the Flower Glade, Ven ran off to talk to an elderly woman walking up ahead. Soon after, her vision became drowsy, and everything in her line of sight turned blurry.

"Senna, are you sure you weren't hurt during the battle?" Red asked as she sat down on the ground.

She yawned as she lay on her back, feeling much more comfortable.

"N-Not even a scratch; I don't know what's wrong."

Struggling to keep her eyes open, Senna knew she was on a crucial mission. Every moment counted in her search for Terra and Aqua, and she couldn't afford to waste a second.

Maybe I can close them for a few minutes, rest quickly, and I'll feel fine afterward.

Senna was unaware of how long she had kept her eyes closed, but her entire being felt much more relaxed once she stopped resisting the urge to sleep.

She couldn't imagine it was more than a few minutes because she could still feel the breeze and the sound of voices not too far off. However, her body suddenly jolted, forcing her to open her eyes and sit up from the sudden shock.

"What the-," she started to say as her eyes widened in shock. It was apparent she was no longer in Flower Glaze.

She was mesmerized by the magnificent city before her, a place she could only ever read about. The ancient yet modern homes and buildings were indescribably stunning, with their unique architecture, varied roof shapes, and odd-numbered bays with main doors in the middle.

Is this another vision, but what on earth could this possibly mean?

Before she could even consciously think of what she would do, her legs started moving toward the city as if she were drawn to the place. As she entered through the wide-open gate, the first thing she noticed was the people. They were dressed remarkably similar to her, with the only difference being the personal designs and the length of the hakama skirts for the females.

As her eyes wandered, she suddenly noticed a large palace about a mile ahead. She was shocked to see a familiar symbol on every banner in the front. Floating leaves carried by the wind surrounded three multicolored butterflies. The butterflies represented life and rebirth, while each color represented the elements commonly invoked by summoners.

"This must be far in the future," she said, a smile forming, seeing that there were so many more summoners.

Though she noted the tense atmosphere, all the adults seemed on guard, while the children seemed subdued instead of playing energetically.

Her feet again started to move on their own, this time towards the palace. She couldn't stop herself, even if she tried. Whatever was happening in that palace must be important, but she didn't understand why the vision didn't just put her there in the first place.

I never had a vision where I was an active participant; I was always an observer of the events happening around me.

None of the people seemed remotely aware of her presence, and several of them passed through her like she was a ghost as she made her way toward the palace.

When she was close, she noticed two individuals up ahead. Based solely on their attire, she automatically knew they were part of the council that governed over the Summoners.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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