Castle of Dreams (Terra Part 2-Aqua Part 1)

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As Terra approached the castle, he wasn't surprised to find the forest leading up to it infested with Unversed. Although most were weak, some had different appearances, such as plant-like forms that used their vines to attack. Terra knew that his speed was one of his biggest weaknesses, compared to Ven's lightning reflexes, so he decided to use Magic to defeat them.

Although his magic skills were not as advanced as Senna's and Aqua's, he was confident enough to use more than just the basics of fire and earth magic. While he was decent with aero and lightning, he still found it challenging to use blizzard magic. His experiences from just these couple of worlds he had been to, made him understand why Master Eraqus was adamant about him needing to improve his magic. It had become more real to him that his physical strength alone would not be enough to complete this mission.

Suddenly he heard a scream coming from up ahead, and he quickly ran towards the sound. He ran through the palace courtyard and up the stairs to find Cinderella surrounded by a swarm of Unversed.

"Not here too," he said grinding his teeth as he summoned his Keyblade, ready to protect her.

He saw they were about to get ready to leap up and attack her from above.

"Get Down"

Thankfully, she followed his command and fell to her knees with her hands over her head to protect herself.

The moment they leaped into the air, Terra quickly followed suit and used his Keyblade to take them all out simultaneously.

He landed right in front of the palace doors and turned around to see that he was successful in taking them all out and no more were spawning at the moment.

Cinderella seeing there were no more of them, quickly got up and locked eyes with him.

"Thank you for helping me again, um- "

"Terra," he said realizing that they never had a proper introduction.

"Thank you, Terra," she said with the most grateful smile.

Are the Unversed attracted to the light from the princesses? If what Maleficent said is true about Master Xehanort wanting to imprison the light, then these creatures must have come from him. But why, what's his motivation?

He turned back towards the palace doors, thinking he should check inside for Master Xehanort. There were so many questions he needed to ask, as well as several unknown variables regarding everything concerning the Unversed that he needed to piece together.

"I'll take care of them, you stay here," he told Cinderella as he didn't want to risk her getting hurt if there were still more Unversed inside the castle.

He could hear the heels of her shoes approaching him.

"Please, may I go with you? I so want to get to the ball."

He turned around to gently explain to her why that would be a bad idea but was taken aback by the determination on her face. She reminded him of Senna, with such delicate features that it was hard to imagine such stern expressions coming from them. Suddenly he was reminded of what the sorceress had said to him earlier.

Cinderella believes her dreams can come true. I wanted her to see that she was right. When you see her dancing, you'll know that she believes, and that will help you believe too.

Despite his hesitation, he couldn't say no to her if she was this determined to go, and his curiosity to see what happens.

"Uh... All right. But stay behind me, or you'll get hurt. You're not worried?"

After being nearly attacked by the Unversed, she doesn't seem unfazed at the potential dangers ahead when they enter the castle.

"Didn't you tell me; it was important to stay strong"

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