The Land of Familiars

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Senna didn't know how long she slept, but the first thing she realized when she came back into consciousness was that she was no longer on the soft cushion of her bed, but was lying on hard ground. As she slowly opened her eyes, she once again found herself back in the land of familiars near the waterfall. She slowly sat up rubbing her eyes not sure if this was another dream or not. Unlike the last time though, she felt her spirit leaving her body, but if so, how did she do it without performing the ritual?

The ritual usually takes an hour of preparation of relaxation to soothe one's spirit, and Senna knew she was nowhere near that from how she was last night with that terrible migraine and those visions if that was what they were, completely draining her. Determined to find out what was happening, Senna quickly got herself up from the ground and started walking into the forest. 

While a majority of the familiars didn't like to intermingle with one another except for those who were bonded to the same summoner, there was another oasis where from time to time they would gather together. She knew that would be the best place to start.

She didn't make it very far when she heard a very familiar upbeat voice.

"Senna is that you?"

She turned around and immediately smiled when she saw Rikku, one of three of the female fairy group that also included Yuna and Paine. Upon their eyes meeting, Rikku immediately had tears in her eyes and immediately flew over to Senna and hugged her cheek.

"Where have you been, we've missed you so much," she said not even trying to hold back her tears.

This is real Senna thought happily as she put her hand carefully on Rikku's back, so as to not crush her, and hugged her back.

Eventually, Rikku floated back a bit, allowing Senna to get a better look at her. She seemed okay, except her outfit was a bit different than the last time she saw her over a month ago. Her blonde hair was still tied high, but this time she had a blue headband that covered a lot of her head. Her outfit wasn't much different it was still the same yellow crop top with an orange skirt but this time with ribbons on it.

She smiled softly as Rikku just stared at her with wide-open eyes and even pouted a bit.

"Do you know how worried we were about you, even Red was worried sick about what was going on"

Rikku went into one of her usual ramblings, and after a while, you couldn't understand her, but Senna was just relieved to see she was all right and it seemed the others were too.

"Why didn't you visit us after everyone else disappeared."

Senna's eyes widened in shock when she heard that.

"Rikku, what do you mean by everyone else disappeared."

Rikku looked at Senna in disbelief "What you don't know besides, myself, Yuna, Paine, Red, Bahamut, Nugget, and Seraph, there's no one left."

"No when did this happen," Senna asked horrified.

"Over a month ago.'

Senna realized that was just around the time when the village was under attack, did that mean that when a summoner dies then their familiar perishes with them? Never in her wildest imagination did she think that was a possibility, it was never once brought up in any of her teachings. She naively thought that when Summoner perishes then that familiar is free from that bond and will form a new one with a new Summoner.

Seeing the expression on Senna's face, Rikku flew over and started tugging on Senna's hair.

"Come on let's go see the others, we have a lot to catch up on."

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