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"How long will this last" Aqua asked looking at their Master, clearly worried about Senna.

Master Eraqus just shakes his head "I do not know; it is hard to tell. I would imagine that only the summoners can choose when they leave. If she hasn't left yet, I can only hope the cut on her cheek was from a fall"

Terra, who was still looking at Senna, said "It seemed too deep of a cut just from a simple fall."

"Maybe it was on rough land" Ven added hoping that was the case.

Suddenly, Senna started to choke causing Terra to look in horror when he saw her throat starting to tighten and what appeared to be hand marks starting to appear.


Master Eraqus immediately sprang into action "Let's sit her up."

As Terra and Eraqus tried to sit her up, Senna suddenly went limp which caused immediate alarm to everyone in the room. After what felt like an eternity, her breathing started to pick up again much to everyone's relief, and not long after slowly but surely her eyes started to open.

"Senna can you hear me" Master Eraqus asked, hoping for some sort of sign that she was at least back to awareness.

Her red eyes looked at each of them for a brief moment, before it became painfully obvious by the look on her face, she was about to become sick. Luckily, he and Terra realized what was about to happen, and quickly caught her as she fell off the side of her bed.

They helped her over to the can near her bed and held on to her as she got sick. After a few minutes, Senna was done and they quickly helped her to a sitting position on her bed. Terra couldn't help but notice, she was clutching something in her hand very tightly.

Master Eraqus then turned to Terra and Ven "Terra, Ven I want you two to go and make some Chamomile tea, while Aqua and I asses Senna."

"But Mast- "Terra started to protest before Master Eraqus gave him a look that said do not argue.

"Terra, I understand you want to help, here but Aqua must help clean Senna up and more importantly look for any other injuries we may be unaware of."

Terra looked back to Senna, who was breathing heavily and saw the purple marks on her throat from whatever strangulation happened to her. He turned to Ven who had a frightened expression, not knowing what he should do.

"Come on Ven let's go," Terra said as grabbed Ven's arm and started taking him out of the room.

Thankfully Ven didn't protest, instead, he quietly followed Terra into the kitchen area. Ven just stood there as Terra began to boil some water for the tea.

"Do you think, that whoever attacked Senna's village, is coming after her" Ven asked breaking the silence.

Terra looked up from the kettle, and he couldn't help but match Ven's worried look with his own but he knew they needed to be strong, especially him as he needed to be ready to protect Senna from whatever threat was targeting her.

"It seems like that is probably the case, but don't worry between the three of us and Master we'll be able to protect her."

Ven still looked a bit unsure "But how since she was attacked while she was in that state, I don't think any of us can even enter that place."

Terra just looked back down at the kettle, not exactly sure how to answer that one. It wasn't going to be easy, but he was sure they could come up with something. If one thing that Master always drilled into their early lessons, is that there was always a way.

"Don't forget Ven, even if things seem uncertain now, there will always be a way." He said as he poured the water into the cup, trying not to let his own doubts and worries show because whatever might be about to happen, he needed to be strong and ready at any moment.

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