Castle of Dreams (Ven)-(Terra Part 1)

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A young woman with strawberry blonde hair that was tied with a blue ribbon, and wore a maid's outfit, sat by her open window and looked at the white castle in the distance with a longing expression.

She sighs wishing with all of her heart that she could attend the royal ball, this was something that she had dreamed about since the royal proclamation was announced. One night of no chores and just a fun night of dancing in the gown her mother had worn to her first ball.

"Cinderelly, Cinderelly"

She looked over and saw her mouse friend Jaq coming out of the mouse hole and quickly climbing up the bedpost.

"Come on! Gotta hurry! Gotta Hurry!"

Cinderella leaned in closer to her small friend "Now, Jaq, what's all the fuss about?"

"Somebody new in the house. Somebody I never saw before."

"Oh, a new friend. Where is he?" She asks looking forward to the prospect of making a new friend since she was so busy all day with her chores, she didn't have time to go outside and make any.

"In a trap trap! Down the Stairs!"

"Oh dear," she said quickly getting up from her seat, knowing it would only be a matter of time before Lucifer would find the poor thing.


Ven was pacing in the cage that he was now trapped in, wondering how on earth he ended up in this situation. Once he ended up in the Lanes Between, he was so excited to see so many different worlds all around him. However, before he could choose one to land in, a powerful force completely overtook his Keyblade glider, taking him in a different direction than he was planning.

When he came into this world, this was where he found himself trapped in a cage, where everything was twice its normal size in comparison to his now small form.

"What is going on?" he asked himself as he crossed his arms.

Was everything naturally this larger in this world, or was I just made smaller?

He was in a living area, that had a couch, several dressers, and boxes lying all around.

"Somebody tell me how I got so SMALL," he said screaming as he grabbed a hold of the bars on the cage.

Ven just sighed and put his head down, not knowing how he was going to get out of this.

His head snapped up when he heard the opening of a door and saw a woman approaching the cage and picking it up. Ven started to tumble, at the sudden movement, and when she lifted the front of the cage higher, he found himself falling backward and hitting his head against the bars.

"Don't be afraid. Oh! How interesting, I have never seen a mouse like you before."

Ven sat up and rubbed his head "Mouse?"

Were smaller beings such as himself considered Mice to the bigger people? Because he sure doesn't look like the mice he has seen running around back at home.

Suddenly she sets the trap down on the floor "Jaq, you better explain things to him."

Ven saw an actual mouse dressed up in a red shirt and jacket, with a hat on his head, walking into the trap.

"Now, now, now. Look, little guy. Take it easy. Nothing to worry about. We like you. Cinderella likes you, too. She's nice very, very nice. Come on now."

Ven couldn't help but look up and smile at Cinderella, she looked like such a sweet and friendly young woman. He knew finding Terra was his primary focus, but he knew it wouldn't hurt to make some new friends along the way. After all, he wanted to form as many connections with people as he could.

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