The Keyblade War

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Senna would be lying if she said she slept well that night, her mind was still comprehending everything that she and Master Xehanort had discussed from the day. It was like trying to do a long puzzle picture, trying to figure out how it all fits together, and getting frustrated when they don't at first try. Her thoughts went back to Nevrexa and how Master Xehanort mentioned she was a leading figure in some sort of keyblade war. If those born under the Lunar Eclipse were chosen for some great purpose, was Nevrexa born for the purpose of fighting in that war, and if she was does that mean Senna herself was meant to be a part of some great battle? These were the thoughts that kept her up most of the night.

When she woke from her restless sleep in the morning, she decided to do some research on this Keyblade war and see if she could find any more information on Nevrexa maybe there could be some clues to give her a better understanding.

"We're not going to see you at all today," Ven said a little disappointed when Senna mentioned she wasn't going to be with them in most of their lessons.

Senna just shakes her head "I mean you'll see me probably after the end of your lessons and for our nightly star gazing, but I want to spend some time reading a few books for a while. I'll even bring Nugget out, and see if he'll let you ride him yet."

Ven reluctantly just nodded, Just like with Aqua and Terra, he considers Senna a very close friend, and if there was one thing, he hated was not being able to see them as by this point there wasn't a day when they weren't together.

"Come on Ven, you can't expect Senna to just sit there with us for all of our lessons. She has hobbies of her own as well outside of our lessons" Aqua said gently reprimanding him.

"I know."

Terra having just finished his breakfast looked at Senna "So what are you planning on reading."

"I'm surprised you have any interest in what books she might be reading" Aqua teased, causing Terra to blush lightly.

"Just curious is all."

"Whatever sounds interesting," Senna said being as truthful as possible, She didn't want to have to explain why she wanted to read about this keyblade war quite yet. It was more like she just wanted to try and grasp it herself first before she told them about Nevrexa and the Lunar Eclipse.

Right on time the bell chimed, signaling it was time for their morning lessons.

"All right see you later Senna, maybe I'll stop by during our break," Aqua said waving as she left with Terra and Ven.

Senna just waves after her "Sounds good."

For the first time in what seems like forever, Senna decides to forgo her morning meditation and head straight for the library to get started with her notepad in hand. What she failed to even consider, was just how many books there were on the topic of the history of the keyblade. It was hard to even know where to begin with all of it, but she figured a historical event such as a keyblade war surely must be in every one of these books. So, she just picked one from the shelves and got started. Already from the first passage, she could tell it was going to be interesting.

Long ago when the worlds were whole and full of light, it was believed that the source of the world's great light was Kingdom Hearts, which was protected by the X-blade, which is said to be the only key to unlocking and accessing Kingdom Hearts. However, people soon became obsessed with the light and wanted it for themselves, thus causing darkness to be born in their hearts. Soon a clash broke out between those who wanted to protect Kingdom Hearts and those who wanted to conquer it by obtaining the X-blade, which would allow one to control Kingdom Hearts. Darkness soon spread throughout the world as the X-blade was shattered into 20 pieces, 7 of pure light and 13 of pure darkness and Kingdom Hearts disappeared into darkness.

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