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As Terra rode through the Lanes in Between, he couldn't shake off his thoughts regarding the boy in the mask and his motivations. If Master Xehanort and this boy were working together and unleashing the Unversed to capture the pure lights, then it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume he had a part to play in the attack on Senna's home.

Despite what I may believe, I know Senna was not one of the pure lights he sought. I've seen firsthand all the hurt and anger she carries in her heart that she has managed to control, which Cinderella lacked entirely.

What also bothered him was the long time between attacking Senna's home and unleashing the Unversed to these other worlds. There must have been a reason for such a time lapse between infiltrating and attacking, but Senna's home was the only one, as far as he knew, to have been obliterated with all of its people.

He could only hope that Master Yen Sid would be able to provide him with much-needed advice.

One world shone brighter in the distance, which, to Terra, meant that Master Yen Sid anticipated his arrival.

He accelerated his glider and swiftly passed through the portal. Upon exiting, he landed, disarmed his armor, and surveyed his surroundings. All around him was endless countryside without any signs of human life. The night sky was filled with twinkling stars and swirling galaxies, enhancing the sight's beauty.

Terra smiled softly, knowing that Ven and Senna would appreciate the nighttime sky here; in his opinion, it was even more magnificent than back home.

As he was lost in his thoughts, the sound of a door opening and closing caught his attention. He turned around and was surprised to see a sprinting anthropomorphic mouse. The mouse was wearing a black and grey short-sleeved jacket with black pants and carrying a Keyblade in his hand. The guard of the Keyblade appeared to be two shooting stars, while the blade was blue and decorated with stars. The end of the Keyblade was a crescent moon and star-shaped.

The mouse then reaches into his pocket, and whatever he pulled out started to glow blue and green.


He then begins to glow and takes off into the sky in an irregular, slight pattern before disappearing altogether.

Terra just raised an eyebrow over the unexpected scene.

That's certainly one way to travel, though from his yells I don't think he is very much experienced in whatever transportation mode that was.

As he gazed upward, he spotted the tower he assumed belonged to Master Yen Sid. It was a towering structure made of yellow stone, resembling a medieval castle. The turrets were of different sizes, each with a turquoise pointed roof, while the central turret, the largest, had a blue roof decorated with moon and star motifs in white.

Suddenly, the door opened on its own. He wasn't surprised, though, as Yen Sid's home was referred to as mysterious due to his reputation as a powerful sorcerer.

When he entered the room, he saw only a set of spiral staircases. Without wasting any time, he quickly started climbing the stairs. The higher he went, the more surprised he was to find a strange green portal that took him to a different set of staircases. He kept following this pattern until there were no more portals. Eventually, he found himself standing in front of a large door, which he could only assume was at the tower's very top.

As he was about to knock, the door began to open by itself. He walked in and saw who could only be no other than Master Yen Sid looking out at one of the star-shaped windows.

He immediately straightens up with his arms by his side, remembering the proper etiquette that Master Eraqus instilled in him.

"Master Yen Sid, my name is Terra."

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