The Night Before Part 1

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When Senna asked him to train her to be able to fight, Terra had to admit he had some worries about it but he knew that she needed to at least know basic self-defense. So, for the first few weeks, he was more focused on helping her get her mindset into a more positive place, he knew that with how she was now she wouldn't last a second.

To her credit, she was such a diligent student and absorbed everything he taught her about having a mentally strong mind. The more she told him about how was shunned back in her village and how she was viewed, the more he found himself annoyed at how anyone could treat her so badly. She was kind and compassionate, yet they let their fear of her dictate who they thought she was.

While he knows this is something that will be a continuous progress for her, soon he felt that they were ready to get into the more physical part of the training. He was able to help show her potential positions and attacks, but she needed to learn how to figure out her own fighting style through practice.

He decided to have Aqua be the one to spar with her, it didn't feel right for him to be the one to do it. When he spars with Aqua, he can at least put more power into his attacks, but with Senna, he's afraid that one bad move might break her and the last thing he ever wants to do is hurt her.

Senna and Aqua were both standing opposite of each other, with Senna holding her staff in her hands and Aqua with her keyblade.

Terra could tell despite the brave face she was trying to put on, that she was nervous and more than likely overthinking.

"Do not forget, there can be no hesitation in battle. You need to go in with a clear head"

Senna just nodded and took a deep breath before running straight at Aqua, but as Terra predicted before Senna's staff could even hit Aqua, Aqua put up her barrier. It was a blue spherical shield of transparent hexagonal panels that protected her from all sides, with a violet hue to it.

While he wasn't a master when it came to magic like those two, he knew Aqua was channeling some magic in the barrier so when it dispersed, it would let out a counterattack and send Senna flying backgrounds. His eyes widened when he caught a small gust of wind gathering near her feet.

Suddenly she flew back right before the barrier dispelled, though her landing was a bit rocky as she nearly fell to her knees. She looked surprised by what happened.

Interesting, it seems she wasn't consciously aware of what she was doing.

Aqua smiled looking proud as she got into a battle stance "Good job Senna, now let's see how you dodge and counterattack."

"I've been working on something, so I hope this works," Senna said starting to sound a bit more excited.

Aqua then began cartwheeling her way over her way to Senna, and when she got close enough, she used her hand to lift her off the ground high enough to make a high jump attack. However, both to Terra and Aqua's surprise, she disappeared.

As quick as she disappeared, she reappeared right behind Aqua, and the ends of her staff were glowing as she prepared to attack, however thanks to her sharp perception Aqua was able to see her out of the corner of her eyes and quickly get herself out of the way which wasn't something that Senna expected.

Aqua then took advantage of Senna's surprise and lifted her keyblade for another attack, by the time Senna realized it she didn't have enough time, so she quickly lifted her staff and closed her eyes.

When Aqua's keyblade made contact with her staff, a huge wave was unleashed that let out a big gust of wind, causing Terra to turn his head to avoid direct eye contact, while Aqua was sent flying and crashing onto the ground several feet away.

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