Chapter 2

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Rhaelys convinces Rhaegon to return. Well, she kind of threatens him, but he gets the point. Rhaegon sees his mother after 6 years. High Valyrian will be in italics. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Rhaelys had told her mother she would return to Kings Landing in a few days before getting on her dragon and ordering her to fly to Myr. She had known exactly where her uncle was, just like she knew he would not return on his own. She had seen it in her dreams, his guilt and anger feeding each other and pushing him to make reckless decisions. He was on a path to destruction and he would not get out of it on his own. She had seen his death, the gods warning her of what would happen if she did not put a stop to it. When she was a child her uncle had always seemed larger than life, an impenetrable fortress that nothing could destroy. He had won wars, commanded armies, and taken the citadel on his own, but now he seemed almost fragile. She had been a bit shocked when she had seen him the night before. He was not the man she remembered, a shadow darkening his beautiful eyes. After he realized who she was he had been too shocked to speak, she knew he had not expected her to find him or come after him.

Rhaelys did not have the patience to explain to all the people present the reason why she was there, so she ordered them to leave. They had all just stared at her, not moving an inch, until she let them know her dragon would be more than happy to get rid of them if they refused. Terrax's roar had driven the point across, making all the people present run for their lives. Her uncle had been so drunk he could barely stand, she had no idea how he had been able to stand on that table without falling and breaking his neck. She had guided him into the palace he seem to be living in for the moment and found a servant to assist him. They would have to return home today before her mother and father started to worry.

"Gods, you are truly here." She turned her head, watching her uncle run a hand through his hair. He looked awful like he had not slept for days. He kept rubbing his head like he was in pain. "For a moment there I believed I had dreamt you."

"You do not have such luck." Rhaelys sat across from Rhaegon, taking a sip of her tea and thanking the maid when she placed a cup of tea in front of her uncle. "We should leave soon if we want to make it home before nightfall."

"I am not returning to Kings Landing." Rhaegon took a sip of his tea, grimacing at the taste, he had never liked it. "I am perfectly content where I am."

"I was not asking." Rhaelys was calm as she stare at her uncle, not taking her eyes away from him. "You have stayed away long enough."

"I am the one that decides when long has been long enough." He did not raise his voice, but he did not sound happy. "I am happy here."

"No, you are not." She did not want to hurt him even more, but she was not going to allow him to keep punishing himself this way. "I do not think you even remember what being happy feels like. You have been dwelling on your pain for so long that you have pushed everyone else away. You cannot keep doing this."

"I can do whatever the hells I want." His voice was harsher this time, almost causing her to flinch, she could not remember a time when he had spoken to her with such anger. "There is nothing for me in Kings Landing."

"There is your family." Her tone became hard, she was not going to coddle him, he had people doing that for years. "Remember? The ones you abandoned and have not even bothered to inquire about. Did you know that I have two new brothers, Aenar just celebrated his fifth name day and Daeron is two. Uncle Baelon and Aunt Alyssa have a daughter, her name is Rhaella, and she is three, Aunt Alyssa is with child once more, she announced it a few days ago. Are you aware that Aenys and Jesmyn wed three years ago? She is expecting their first child. Or have you been too busy drowning yourself in spirits, leaving us to wonder if you were alive or dead?"

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