Chapter 17

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This is more of a filler chapter, just showing the dynamics between the Targaryen family after what happened between Rhaegon and Rhaelys. We get introduced to Daemon and Daera's son, Rhaelys's future son in law and future king of the seven kingdoms. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Rhaelys smiled watching as Aerion stumbled around the room. Her son had not stopped since he learned how to walk, the fact that he would stumble and fall often did not deter him at all. He loved exploring and touching things, which is why Rhaelys had moved anything that was breakable and could hurt him out on a higher shelf or taken out of the chambers. Rhaelys was in love with her son, she never knew she could love someone so much, even to the expense of herself. Aerion was the reason she had decided to talk to Rhaegon, she had seen the way he looked at their son. The love and yearning in his eyes. She could not keep them apart, she did not want her son to resent her when he got older. Aerion deserved to have a father and as long as Rhaegon did not hurt him then she did not mind sharing her son.

"There is my beautiful grandchild." Deirys walked into Rhaelys's chambers, immediately going to where Aerion was, and picked him up. The babe squealed as her mother kissed him all over his face. "I have missed you so much, little hatchling."

"You saw him a few hours ago." Rhaelys shook her head as her mother turned to her. "I was under the impression Grandmother said we did not have any council meetings. Did something change?"

"No, nothing has changed." Her mother smiled at Aerion, bumping his nose and making him laugh. "I wanted to ask you if I could take my grandson. I would like to take him to see Maekar and have them play for a bit. I mean they are cousins, they should get to know each other and spend some time together."

"Oh, I would let you take him, but.." The doors to Rhaelys's chambers opened and Rhaegon walked in, he stopped when he saw her mother holding their son.

"I apologize, I did not know you would be busy." He looked between her and Deirys, who looked shocked that Rhaegon was in her chambers. "I can come back later."

"No, it is well." Rhaelys took Aerion from her mother and walked closer to Rhaegon, rubbing her son's belly. "Enjoy your time with your kepa." She kissed her son's cheek before handing him over to his father. "Just make sure you bring him with you to grandmother's chambers for supper."

Rhaegon nodded, thanked her, and walked out of her chambers. Rhaelys waited until the doors had closed before she turned back to her mother.

"I am sorry mama." Her smile was apologetic. "I had promised Rhaegon he could spend a few hours with Aerion."

"I am surprised." Deirys tilted her head. "I did not think you would want Rhaegon close to Aerion."

"Believe it or not I listen to you from time to time." Rhaelys sat down, smiling when her mother sat across from her. "At first I was not sure I could trust Rhaegon with our son, but I listened to all the times you and grandmother told me about how he would ask after our son and how much he wanted to see him." Rhaelys let out a sigh. "He found Aerion this morning when he was in the gardens with Papa. The way he looked at our son was heartbreaking. I understand he was acting out of fear."

"Does that mean you are thinking of going back to him?"

"No." Her mother frowned. "I understand why he acted the way he did, but that does not mean I can trust him. All the time I was with Rhaegon I was living with the rules he set because of what happened with Jaehaera. I am not even sure he ever really loved me. I cannot live like that once more. I have Aerion to think about and he will not be second to anyone."

"So why are you allowing him to spend time with Aerion?"

"Because he is Aerion's father." Rhaelys had thought long and hard about this. The entire time she had been in Dragonstone she had thought about her situation. "My son did not choose his father and I will not punish him for my choices. Aerion deserves to have a father and I will not be the one to take that away from him. As long as Rhaegon loves our son and is good to him I will not get in between them."

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