Chapter 8

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A family moment between Deirys, Aemond, their children and Daemon. Deirys is close to slapping her husband and father. A disaster in Kings Landing bring the royal family and the common folk together. Rhaelys shows how well she works under pressure. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                                                Deirys Targaryen (36 years old

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                                                                Deirys Targaryen (36 years old.)


                                                              Rhaenyra Targaryen (52 years old

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                                                              Rhaenyra Targaryen (52 years old.)

Deirys was tired, there had been several issues with pirates attacking some of the merchant ships. People were getting scared of being attacked while traveling by ship and things were becoming more difficult. Some of the merchants in the city had suffered great losses and she had not slept well for the past few nights. She was lucky to get more than four hours of sleep on most nights, and she had barely seen her children. Poor Aemond was the one taking care of the children and she was not even able to thank him properly. She looked over all the papers in front of her and let out a sigh, she did not know what else she was supposed to do. She had sent some of the unsullied to investigate who these pirates were and exactly what they wanted. Their attacks were too well planned to be random, she was just happy that the people who came for her daughter and son's betrothal feast were gone. The few days the lords had stayed after the feast had been exhausting. They wanted to talk to her all day long, wanted to see what their chances were of setting a betrothal between their children and hers.
"You look like you have not slept in days." Deirys lifted her eyes and gave her mother a tired smile. "You should take some time off."
"I do not believe the hand of the queen is allowed to take time off." Her mother sat on the chair next to hers. "I have many things to take care of."
"Little love, we are all worried about you." Her mother took the quill from her hands and put the papers aside. She looked worried. "Aemond is going out of his mind, he does not know what to do. He says you are barely sleeping and you have missed many meals."
"So my husband went running to you to complain about me?"
"No, he came to me to see if I was able to talk some sense into you." Rhaenyra let out a tired sigh. "You are the best hand any queen or king could ask for, but you will not be any good to anyone if you are unable to do your job properly because you do not take care of yourself. You cannot burn yourself out, you are supposed to be queen after me."
"I just need to solve some of the issues our people have and then I will be able to get some rest."
"No, you will take some rest now." Her mother was giving her a queenly look, the one that said she would not be taking a no for an answer. "When was the last time you spent more than two minutes with your children?"
"I do not know." Deirys rubbed her temples. "I am so tired."
"I know, which is why I have decided you will take the next two moons to rest." Deirys started to talk, but there was a knock on the door. Her mother looked towards the doors. "Enter."
One of the guards opened the doors and bowed to her and her mother. The knight stepped to the side and Deirys frowned when her daughter Daella walked in, Deirys's youngest son Daeron was in her arms. The little boy looked upset and his face was streaked with tears. Daella courtesied to Deirys and Rhaenyra.
"I am sorry to bother you, mama." Her daughter looked stressed, which was not something she wanted to see on her thirteen-name day child. "Daeron has been asking for you for the past two days, I have been able to calm him down for the most part, but today he will not settle down and has been crying for four hours. I do not know what else to do."
Deirys stood up, guilt filling her chest. How could she have neglected her children this way? Her young daughter should not be the one taking care of a young boy. Deirys took Daeron from Daella's arms, kissing her daughter's head and giving her an apologetic smile.
"Do not cry little hatchling." Daeron sniffled, rubbing his eyes with little fists. "I am sorry, but I am here now."
"Mama." The little boy laid his head on her shoulder, still sniffling, but a little calmer now that he was in her arms. "Mama."
"I am here." Deirys kissed Daeron's head, looking at her daughter who was standing closer to Rhaenyra, and gave her an apologetic look. "I am sorry Daella, I should have never left all of you alone for so long."
"It is fine, mama, we understand." Her daughter gave her a reassuring smile. "We are aware you are busy helping Grandmother run the kingdom."
"Yes, but all of you are the most important thing, I should not stay away so long." Deirys looked at her mother. "Thank you, mama. I will take those two moons to rest and spend time with my family."
"That is great news." Her mother gave her a bright smile, kissing Daella's hand. "I will take care of everything. You just worry about resting and spending time with my grandchildren and your husband. Please, get your husband away from me. If he keeps complaining to us your father will stab him."
Deirys and Daella laughed, shaking their heads. Even after all these years Daemon and Aemond found any excuse to bicker, they were like small children sometimes. They fought over the children, over who was right about the latest issues in the kingdom, who knew more about dragons, and anything else they could think about. Deirys knew the reason they bickered was because they were too much alike.
Deirys walked to her chambers, Daella following her. She could hear loud voices before she even made it to her chambers. She frowned, it sounded like her father and Aemond. The kingsguard stood by the door, a small smile on their faces. Before she could make it to the door Alysanne walked out, shaking her head and looking exasperated. Her daughter's face brightened when she saw Deirys standing there.
"Mama, thank the Gods you are here." Alysanne moved quickly towards her, hugging her waist and kissing Daeron's leg, making the little boy giggle. "Papa and grandsire are acting like idiots, it is impossible to get anything done with them in the room."
"Do not worry, my love." Deirys's caressed her daughter's face. "I will handle your father and grandsire."
Deirys walked into her chambers to find her father and Aemond glaring at each other, Aenar was standing between them, looking a bit annoyed. Aemond had a hand on Aenar's shoulder.
"I will be the one to train my son." Aemond pulled Aenar closer to him. "He is my son, so I should be the one to show him."
"But he is my grandson." Daemon took Aenar's shoulder and pulled him closer to him. "I have more experience than you, I should be the one training him."
"You will do no such thing." Aemond pulled Aenar towards him once more. "I will be the only one training my sons."
"You are..." Daemon stopped when Deirys cleared her throat.
"Mama!" Aenar was able to get himself away from his father and grandsire, running to her and wrapping his arms around his waist. He looked up at her, an annoyed expression on his face. "Papa and grandsire have lost their minds, they will not leave me alone, please make them go away."
"Did he just ask for us to go away?" Daemon looked at Aemond before looking back toward Aenar. "We are trying to make sure you get the proper training."
"No, you are both insane." Aenar glared at both his father and grandsire, before turning back to Deirys. "I want Uncle Rhaegon to train me."
"You want Rhaegon to train you?" Aemond looked so offended that Deirys had to attempt very hard to hide her smile. "I am your father. I should be the one to train you."
"You complain about grandsire all the time and say how you are a much better warrior. And grandsire does the same." Aenar rolled his eyes and he looked so much like Aemond in that moment that Deirys could not help the smile that covered her face. "Uncle Rhaegon does not complaint and he is better than both of you."
Deirys could not help the laugh that escaped her at the offended look on Aemond and her father's faces. They glared at her and she attempted to stop smiling, but could not.
"You both need to stop fighting over our children." Deirys rolled her eyes, running her hand over Aenar's head. "Both of you go bother someone else, I wish to spend some time with my children and do not want to hear you both bickering the entire time."
Deirys's father looked annoyed, while Aemond just looked offended. They both left the chambers leaving her and the children alone. Her husband and father acted worse than any of her children did.

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