Chapter 14

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4 month time jump. Rhaegon returns from Dragonstone, he is still as pigheaded as before and has no idea what he has done wrong. He and Rhaelys talk. Rhaelys attitude toward her husband had changed. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                                              Rhaenyra Targaryen (55 years old)

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                                                              Rhaenyra Targaryen (55 years old)

4 months later.

His mother was not pleased with him, she had been glaring at him since he walked into her chambers. None of his family was happy with him, he could barely get a few words out of his siblings these days. Rhaegon had returned from Dragonstone the day before, he had made sure everything was set up, just like his mother had requested. Everything in Dragonstone was working without a hitch, his mother's business was moving along without a problem. He heard that his mother had just purchased another pleasure house, which meant that there was even more gold coming into the crown's coffers. The kingdom was doing very well, the coffers were full and peace had broken throughout the land. Everything in his life was not going as well, he had lost his wife and now his family was upset with him.

"It was your idea for me to leave." His mother did not say anything, just kept staring at him with that annoyed look on her face. "I do not understand why you are so upset, I was just doing as you asked."

"Yes, and then did not write to ask about your wife and child once." He hated how disappointed his mother sounded. "What are you doing here? I was under the impression you had said everything you needed to last night."

"I did, I just wanted to see you. I thought you might be happy to see me also, seeing as I am your son and I have been away for four moons, following your instructions." His mother let out a sigh. "Why are you in such a hurry to get rid of me?"

"Of course, I am happy to see you, Rhaegon. Is just that..." There was a knock on the door, interrupting whatever his mother was about to say. "Enter."

The doors opened and Rhaegon felt his breath stop as Rhaelys walked in. His wife looked beautiful, the gown she was wearing could not hide the fact that she was with child. Desire slammed into his body, his hands tightening on the arms of his chair. He did not realize how shocking it would be to see her large with his child, how arousing her body would be. Her belly was not the only thing that had grown, her breasts were also larger and her face a bit fuller. It was arousing to know that everyone who saw her knew that she was carrying his child. It was also terrifying, seeing her like this made things real, and he could not hide from it.

"Grandmother." Rhaelys smiled at Rhaenyra before looking back at him. "Uncle."

He almost winced at the cold tone in her voice, there were no emotions on her face. She looked at him like he was a stranger, and that hurt more than he cared to admit.

"There you are, love." His mother stood up, walked up to Rhaelys, and hugged her. Rhaenyra ran a hand over Rhaelys's belly. "How have you been? Has the babe been giving you any trouble?"

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