Chapter 4

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Rhaelys decides that she has been locked in for long enough and sneaks out of her room. She meets with Rhaegon and he finds out she is a dragon dreamer. He doesn't take it too well. 2nd half is a little, well there is smut. I'm still experimenting with writing smut, but I think I may have gone a little too far in this one. 😳 🙈. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Two days had been more than enough time for Rhaelys to be confined to her chambers, waiting for her father to change his mind. She had even attempted to speak to her mother after supper, but her mother refused to lift her punishment. Her mother had said she understood what Rhaelys had been attempting to do, but leaving without telling them where she was going had been impulsive and dangerous. Her mother had been able to calm down her father but told Rhaelys not to expect too much more. So Rhaelys returned to her chambers and stayed there without protesting for two days. Now she was tired of being locked in, she did not enjoy being inside all day and night. She waited a few hours after supper, her mother and father did not wait too long after supper to retire. She waited until she was convinced they would not come to her chambers or call for her. Once enough time had passed used the secret passages to sneak out of her chambers.

She walked down the passages, making sure no one saw her or followed her. She did not want word getting back to her parents that she had been seen walking around so late. She walked down the caves to where her dragon was. She had not seen Terrax in two days, her dragon was missing her as much as Rhaelys missed her. As she got closer to the mouth of the cave she saw a figure standing by the water, staring out at the horizon. Rhaelys made sure to walk softly without making noise, she did not want to let him know she was watching him. She did not what he was looking at, it was really dark and almost impossible to see. Her uncle had been attempting to make amends with the rest of their family. But his heart was still broken, she could see it during the few minutes she saw him during supper. His eyes still held the same pain as when she saw him in Myr. He was still blaming himself for Jaehaera's death and that was killing him. Terrax and Meraxes were a few feet away, resting.

"Thinking about running away once more?" Rhaegon looked back at her, his eyes running over her body before looking at her face once more. "If you do decide to leave, do us a favor and at least let us know in advance."

"I am not planning on going anywhere." Rhaegon looked at her in a way she was not really familiar with, it was not desire, well not only desire. Every time he looked at her it felt like he was attempting to figure out an enigma, like he did not know what to make of her. "Why are you here?"

"Should I not be?" Rhaelys moved closer to him. "Am I bothering you?"

"No, but I was under the understanding that you had been confined to your chambers."

"My father is upset because I went looking for you." Rhaelys let out a sigh. "He does not understand how close to death you were."

"What do you mean?" Rhaegon frowned. "How close I came to death?"

"I dreamt about your death, that is why I went and brought you home. The path you were traveling was a dangerous one." Rhaegon looked a bit confused and Rhaelys gave him a tired smile. "I dream of a lot of things kepus. Some of them I am meant to stop, others I am just a witness to."

"You are a dragon dreamer." Rhaelys nodded, even though he had not phrased it as a question. She waited while he processed the news, watching as several emotions played over his face. Finally, he looked at her, his look was hard, almost hostile. "Did you know Jaehaera would die?"


"And you did not say anything?" Rhaegon stepped in front of her, his hand grabbing one of her arms and pulling her closer to him. "Why did you not say anything? Why would you let her die in that manner?"

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