Chapter 11

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Rhaelys sneaks into Rhaegon's room, and well, she is not called the Rogue Princess for nothing. She takes what she wants 😳. Rhaegon and Visenya talk. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

"Are you upset with me also?" Rhaelys looked up from the letter she had just finished to see her father standing in front of her. "Your siblings are very upset, even Daeron."

"Is it because you told Rhaegon that he would kill me like he killed Jaehaera?" Her father flinched and nodded his head. "Papa, why would ever say that? You had to know how much that would hurt him."

"Yes, it was not my proudest moment." Aemond sat down, running his hands over his face. "I do not like that he wants to take you from me."

"Do you know that is the same thing grandsire said to Mama?" Rhaelys's face was amused. "You two are truly alike."

"I do not like that idea." He gave her a smile, but it only lasted a few seconds. He stared at her before he let out a sigh. "You are going to wed him no matter what I say, are you not?"

Deirys stoop up, walked around the small desk, then kneeled in front of her father, taking his hands in hers.

"What would you have done if grandsire and grandmother denied you when you asked for mama's hand?"

"I would have stolen her." He looked pained at the answer he gave her. "I just wished to keep you a child a little longer."

"I have not been a child for a while, even if I am not wed." Rhaelys kissed his father's hands. "But I will always be your daughter, no matter what happens or who my husband is. Avy jorrāelan, kepa. (I love you, father.)"

"Avy jorrāelan tolī, zaldrītsos. (I love you too, little dragon.)" Her father kissed her forehead. "I will still kill him if he hurts you."

"You do not have to worry, papa," Rhaelys smirked at her father. "If he hurts me, I will make sure he regrets it."

Aemond let out a laugh, helped her stand up, and kissed her forehead once more before leaving her chambers. Rhaelys was happy that her father had accepted her feelings for Rhaegon without them having to run away and wed in secret.

She left her chambers through the secret passages, she wanted to see her uncle and would wait for him in his chambers. If she used the front doors his kingsguards would tell him and she wanted it to be a surprise. She opened the secret door softly and listened for a moment, making sure that she could not hear anything. She made her way into Rhaegon's chambers, closing the tunnel door behind her. She smiled at the books and papers scattered all around the room. Her uncle was not known for his organizational skills, if they did not have maids his chambers would be covered in clothes, books, papers, weapons, and Gods know what else.

She heard a splashing noise coming from the bathing chambers and moved to the doors leading to it. The doors were partially opened and she saw her uncle sitting in the bathtub, he was laying back and all she could see was the back of his head. Rhaelys smiled mischievously as she removed her gown, making sure not to make too much noise. She removed her small clothes, walked softly as she approached him, and stepped inside the tub, making her uncle's eyes snap open. He gulped when he saw her, his eyes roaming over her body, he did not seem to know where to look first. Rhaelys moved before he could recover his senses and straddle his waist, making him sit up straight.

"Rhaelys." She kissed his neck, running her hands over his chest. "What are you doing? Your father will kill me if he finds out about this."

"Why?" She nibbled and licked her way up his neck, biting his chin. "He is already aware that we will be wed. Why should we wait for a ceremony to be together?"

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