Chapter 7

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Rhaegon helps Rhaelys and they have a small moment. 😊 Deirys and Rhaelys talk, a secret surfaces. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Rhaegon had not been within twenty feet of Deirys since their fight in the gardens, and he was not sure he wanted to. His sister still glared at him every time she saw him, he had apologized to his niece, just to anger her a few days later. He did not know what to think or feel every time he was close to Rhaelys, or thought about her. He did not like having these feelings for his niece, they were confusing. Rhaegon did not know how he was supposed to clear his mind if he could only think about Rhaelys. It had been much easier to push his family out of his mind when he had been thousands of leagues away, now he could not get away from the things he had done. Sometimes Rhaegon wished he could remove all the memories of Jaehaera from his mind, then maybe he would be able to get rid of this guilt that would not allow him to live in peace. But then he would feel bad for having those thoughts, Jaehaera deserved to be remembered, she had been a good wife.

He still had not been able to speak to his uncle Aegon, his mother had told him that his uncle Aegon and his aunt Helaena were spending some time in the Stepstones with Jaehaerys and Aemma, they had been spending most of their time there. Rhaegon could understand their feelings, they wished to spend time with their only living child. He was sure that Jaehaerys also appreciated having his parents with him, especially after losing his sister. Rhaegon could not imagine what Jaehaerys was feeling, he could not imagine losing one of his siblings, but especially Baelon. His twin was part of his soul, and he could not imagine what he would do if he lost him. Even now, while Baelon was angry with him it felt like there was a knife stuck in his chest.

Rhaegon sat down on one of the small benches, under a tree. He had been able to stay away from most people today, which he was thankful for after the night before. Most of the lords that had come for the betrothal feast were still in the palace. Most of the lords that crossed his path did nothing but throw their daughters at him. Rhaegon should not be surprised, they had attempted the same thing since he had returned. Rhaegon straighten when he heard ruffling noises, and what sounded like someone running. Rhaelys ran from behind one of the trees, looking around and stopping when she saw him. She moved fast towards him, stopping in front of him, and gave him a pleading look.

"Hide me."

"What?" Rhaegon was confused. "What do you mean to hide you?"

"What is so confusing about it?" Her look changed and became exasperated. "I need you to put me in a place where no one else can see me, at least for a little while."


"Do you have to question everything?" He raised an eyebrow, she was very demanding for someone that was asking for his help. They heard her name being called and the voice sounded angry. Rhaegon recognized Deirys's voice and his niece's gaze became pleading once more. "Please, just do not tell her I am here."

Rhaelys took off without saying anything else and he saw her hide behind a group of trees close to where he was sitting. He turned forward just in time to see Deirys moving towards him, a furious look on her face. His sister stopped a few feet away from him and Rhaegon almost flinched.

"Have you seen Rhaelys?"

"No." He gulped at the furious look his sister gave him and shook his head. "She ran past here but did not stop. I swear I did not touch her."

His sister continued glaring at him before she moved in the opposite direction she had come from. Rhaegon let out a relieved breath once his sister was out of his sight, Deirys was scary when she was angry.

"Thank you." Rhaelys appeared from behind the trees, and sat beside him, giving him a thankful smile. "She is angry enough to feed me to Vermithor."

"I could see that." Rhaegon shifted in his seat until he was looking directly at Rhaelys. "What exactly did you do to make your mother so angry?"

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