Chapter 3

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Rhaelys and Daera have a small talk, Aemond is pissed that his daughter took off without asking permission. Rhaegon goes to see his brother, while things don't well too well, he is able to meet his niece. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                                       Daera Targaryen (15 years old

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                                                       Daera Targaryen (15 years old.)

"Papa is not happy with you." Rhaelys lifted her head and looked at her sister. Daera had come into her chambers just after she had gotten into the bathtub. "He was furious when he discovered you had left without saying where you were heading. Mama had to stop him from getting on Vhagar and going after you."
"How was he going to go after me without knowing where I was?" Rhaelys face was amused as her sister laughed. "I knew Mama would be able to make him see reason."
"See reason?" This time Daera laughed so hard that tears ran down her face, she finally calmed down, wiping the tears away. "She threatened to knock him over the head if he did not stop his insistent yelling."
"Do not worry, soon you will all understand." Rhaelys's face was mischievous as she looked at her sister. "How are the preparations going for the announcement of your betrothal?"
"They are going very well." Daera's face turned dreamy like it always did every time they spoke of her betrothed. Her sister was madly in love. "Mama and Grandmother said everything was prepared and that the feast will be in three days. After the feast, we will start preparing the wedding feast."
"I am so happy to see you so excited." Daera gave her a thankful smile. "You will make a wonderful queen."
"I would wed Daemon even if he was a peasant." Daera and Daemon were in love and they wanted to wed. Her brother had never even looked at another woman, he said his heart was Daeras' and he would not be with anyone else. Everyone understood her brother's feelings, Daera was very beautiful, she looked just like their grandmother Rhaenyra had looked at that age. And their brother Daemon was also very handsome. "Mama says we are not allowed to wed until I am of age, which will not happen for several more moons."
"Are you going to be able to wait a few moons to be with him?" Daera's blush let Rhaelys know that they had already done something. She raised an eyebrow and Daera's blush deepened. "Are you going to tell me what is causing that blush on your cheeks?"
"Nothing." Daera stood up quickly, the stool she had been sitting on falling sideways. "I have to go."
Daera moved quickly, almost hitting her face against the door and making Rhaelys burst out laughing. Daera had spoken to Rhaelys when their brother Daemon asked her to wed him, she had wanted to know if Rhaelys had any feelings for their brother, or if she wished to be queen. Rhaelys had been a bit confused, she had never given any indication that she had any romantic feelings towards any of her brothers. Then she realized that her sister had confused all the time Rhaelys spent with Daemon and Aegon. She trained with her father, grandsire, and her brothers, but she did not see her brothers that way. She saw Daera's face when she explained it to her and made sure her sister knew Rhaelys had no interest in being queen. She had everything she could wish for, and one day she would have her uncle and they would have children. Their daughter will be the queen of the seven kingdoms one day.
Rhaelys stepped out of the tub and had one of her maids tell her what had happened in the two days she had been gone while they helped her dress. Rubbing jasmine oil over her skin and hair. Once she was ready she stepped out of the bathing chambers. She came to a stop when she saw her father standing by the fireplace, his back was to her. She wished she could have postponed their talk, but apparently, her father would not wait. He must have heard her footsteps because he turned to face her, not saying anything.
"Papa." Rhaelys gave her father a smile.
"I want to know what possessed you to just leave without saying anything." Rhaelys opened her mouth, but her father held a hand up, stopping her before she could get a word out. "Do not say you asked your mother. Because saying I will return in a few days is not the same as asking for permission."
"I am sorry, papa." She attempted to look apologetic, but she was not very good at lying. "It was something important, or I would not have left."
"We have given you a lot of freedoms, in part because we are aware of your prophecies, but you cannot take off anytime you wish just because it is something important."
"Why not?" One of her issues was that she did not know when to keep her mouth shut. Her mother and grandmother had told her several times that it would get her in trouble one day. "Mama left for four years and stayed in the free cities."
"You are not your mother!" She jumped when he yelled. None of the children were used to their father yelling. Aemond Targaryen did not yell very often, he was very level-headed and did not need to raise his voice to be heard. Which is why Rhaelys was shocked when he yelled at her. "I have never stopped you from following your inclinations, but you will not take advantage of it. You will tell us where you are traveling to when you leave. What would we do if something had happened to you and we did not know where you were?"
"I am sorry." This time she did mean her apology, not realizing how worried her parents had been. She sometimes forgot that just because she knew things before they happened, her parents did not. She was aware of her mother's connection to the Gods and knew that they talked to her. But even with all of that, her mother did not dream of the future as she did. "I did not mean to make you worry. I just knew that if I did not get Uncle Rhaegon to return something terrible would happen to him."
"Rhaegon?" Her father frowned. "He has returned?"
"Yes, I went to get him." Rhaelys approached her father. "I have been seeing him in my dreams for about a moon. The dreams kept getting darker and more dangerous until I saw his death. After I dreamt of his death that first night, I kept dreaming of it every single time I closed my eyes, and sometimes I saw it even when I was awake. I knew that if I was not able to get him to return he would die."
"Why did you not say anything?"
"Because I did not want to alarm you or Mama." Rhaelys sat down and let out a sigh. "I have seen how sad grandmother is because of Uncle Rhaegon's disappearance. Can you imagine what would have happened if she discovered that there was a possibility he could die? I could not bring myself to cause her such pain."
"Rhaelys." Her father ran a hand over her head, sitting beside her. "You do not have to keep such things to yourself. Your mother and I can help."
"I am aware."
"Where was your uncle?"
"He was living in a palace." Rhaelys bit her lip, knowing this would not go well with her father. "In the outskirts of Myr."
"You went all the way across the narrow sea on your own?" His voice was loud once more, he was not exactly yelling, but his voice was louder than usual. "Have you lost your mind?"
"No, Rhaelys." Her father stood up, glaring at her. "You will stay in your chambers and only leave for supper with the family. The other meals will be brought to you here, and you are not to leave without my express permission, or that of your mother's."
Rhaelys's mouth dropped open, staring at her father, as he punished her for saving her uncle's life. Aemond turned on his heel and walked to the door, leaving her chambers before Rhaelys had time to come out of her shock. She could not remember the last time her father had confined her to her chambers. Her parents did not punish her too often, even when they did her grandsire would help her get out of her punishment. Her grandsire enjoyed stoking her wild character and hearing of her daring adventures. She did not mind being punished for some of the more daring things she did, but she did not enjoy being punished for saving her uncle's life. Hopefully, her father would understand what had taken place and allow her to leave her chambers. 

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