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This is the end of the road. Thank you so much to all who have read the stories for this universe. I have enjoyed writing it immensely. I hope you guys enjoy it. 🥰

                                                           Rhaelys Targaryen (23 years old

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                                                           Rhaelys Targaryen (23 years old.)

                                                 Daera Targaryen (21 years old

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                                                 Daera Targaryen (21 years old.)

1 year later.

Rhaelys smiled at the small babe in her arms. Her daughter was beautiful, she would be a queen one day. Hundreds of years from now another princess would be named after her, she would help the prince who was promised to end the long night. But for now, she was just a babe, small and in need of protection. Rhaelys smiled as she thought about her husband, who had not left her for even a moment. Rhaegon had shown to be a caring and dutiful husband, who had not left her side since the moment she told him she was with child. There were times when Rhaelys had wanted to hit her husband over the head. He refused to allow her to lift anything. He did not want her to walk too fast, after she had entered her sixth moon he had refused to let her pick up Aerion.

The doors to her chambers opened and Daera walked in, Maekar in her arms. Daera smiled at her.

"I hope I am not disturbing you, but Maekar wanted to see Daenerys." Daera stopped in front of Rhaelys and kissed the babe's forehead. "I also wanted to see her, she is so adorable."

"Danny!" Rhaelys laughed at Maekar's excitement, her heart melting when the small boy kissed the babe's cheek. "Pwety."

"Yes, she is very pretty." Daera was enchanted by Daenerys, and Rhaelys could see the yearning in her eyes. Daera wanted a little girl, she wished for a daughter. Her sister gave her a hesitant smile. "Can I hold her?"

"Of course." Rhaelys waited until Daera put Maekar on the ground before handing over her daughter.

Maekar immediately took off running to the corner of the room where Rhaelys kept all the toys for her son, nieces, nephews, and cousins. Aerion enjoyed spending time with his cousins and all the children loved her chambers for some reason. Rhaelys was sure it was because Rhaegon became a child himself anytime the children were over. He would play with them for hours.

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