Chapter 12

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This chapter will have a 3 year time jump. You might not like Rhaegon in this chapter, he gets confronted with one of his biggest fears and does not handle it well. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Three years later.

"My princess, you will have to take good care of yourself from now on." The healer handed her a small vial. "This will help you with the sickness, take it only if you need to, and let me know once it has run out. I will make you some more."

"Thank You." She smiled at the healer as the man bowed and walked out.

Rhaelys placed the vial on her dressing table. She would have to talk to Rhaegon, but he was training with her brothers and she preferred to tell him this while they were alone. In the two and a half years she and Rhaegon had been married they barely had any problems. But Rhaelys was aware of Rhaegon's fears. He was terrified of her getting with child, and refused to even speak of it. He had been very happy when she decided to take the tonic the healers would provide the ladies that did not want to get with child. She knew he had trust issues because of what Jaehaera had done, so she had taken the tonic every night in front of him. But then Jeyne Arryn had passed and they had traveled to the Vale for her funeral. Rhaelys had forgotten to tonic and since Rhaegon could not keep his hands off of her, now she was with child.

She was not sure how to even tell him, he would think she had lied to him, just like Jaehaera had. She wanted her condition to be happy news to him, most men wanted an heir, except for her husband. Rhaegon was so afraid of losing her that he refused to even bring up the issue of children. Rhaelys knew she could have children, but she still dreamt about it at night. Her daughter would be queen one day, she would wed Daemon and Daera's eldest son. When she had said that to Rhaegon, he had just said that her dreams did not mean she would survive. The prophecy showed their daughter as a woman grown, it did not show any other children, or meant she would survive the birth. Rhaelys ran her hands over her belly, smiling as she thought of the life growing inside of her. A small babe, part of her and Rhaegon.

Her chamber doors opened and her husband was in, a happy smile on his face. His smile grew wider when he saw her sitting on the bed.

"Daeron is very proud of himself." Rhaegon approached her, kissing her lips in a way that made her toes curl inside her shoes. "He managed to disarm Aenar, so be sure to mention it tonight at supper."

" I will" He kissed her again before she had time to say anything else. For a moment she wanted to not tell him and just enjoy this, but she could not do that to him. She would not repeat her aunt's mistakes. She pulled back, giving him a small smile. "We need to talk."

"Of course." His smile was a bit more hesitant this time. "Is something the matter?"

"No." Rhaelys played with her ring, twisting it around her finger. "One of the healers came to see me today."

"Are you ill?" He touched her forehead, a worried look on his face. "I have noticed you have not been eating much lately."

"I am well, it is not an illness." She kissed the palm of his hand, before placing it on her still flat belly. "I am with child."

"What?" His eyes were horrified.

Rhaegon's eyes were wide with fear as he looked at her belly before yanking his hand away. He moved away from her, running his hands through his hair. Rhaelys stayed on the bed, not moving or saying anything, as she waited for him to process the news. It did not take long before he turned to her, his face hard.

"How did it happen? You were supposed to be taking precautions."

"I was." She made sure not to raise her voice. "It happened while we were at the Vale. I did not take any tonics with me, since everything happened so suddenly."

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