Chapter 18

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Rhaegon and Rhaelys talk, he asks for one more chance. Rhaelys makes a decision and Aemond is not very excited about it. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

"I would like to speak with you." Rhaelys looked up from the book she had been reading. She had not even heard the doors open, and now her husband stood in front of her. "It is important."
"Of course." In the two moons since she had returned from Dragonstone, Rhaegon and her had not spoken much. They mostly talked about Aerion, but nothing else. "Is something the matter?"
"Yes, we should speak about us."
Rhaelys was surprised and she should not have been. Rhaegon had attempted to speak about their relationship once before and she had immediately stopped it. She had not been ready, but she knew they would not be able to stay in this situation forever. Every Lord from Dorne to the Wall was aware of the issues between them and they had started bringing their daughters to court. Rhaegon might not ever be a king, but he was still a prince and a dragon rider. Lords would be happy if he took one of their daughters as a mistress, even better if they were able to displace Rhaelys. Her husband had not looked at any of them even once, he even punched a lord when he had hinted that Rhaelys was defective. The man had been exiled from the city the same day.
"About us?" She closed the book, placing it on the table. "What is there to speak about?"
"We cannot continue like this." He sat on the chair across from her. "I am very thankful that you have allowed me to spend time with our son without making things complicated, even though I know I do not deserve it. But this situation is not better."
"What exactly do you want to do about it?" She was really interested in what he thought was going to happen.
"I want us to talk, to say everything we are feeling." His face was pained. "I know I am at fault for everything that has happened between us. I was an idiot and a coward, I did not treat you like you deserved. I do not blame you for not trusting me, but I have been attempting to gain your trust back since you returned and I feel like we are back where we started."
"I am aware of the issues between us." She just did not know what to do about them. "But I do not have any answers for you. Trust is not something that can just be returned magically, it takes years to be earned and seconds to be destroyed. I gave you everything I had and you just took and took. The one time I truly needed you, you broke my heart."
"I know."
"Since then I thought of all the things that have happened since I traveled to Myr to get you." Rhaelys pushed a curl behind her ear. "As I thought back all I could see was all the compromises I made for you, to make you happy. You never did anything for me, you set rules and expected me to follow them. You never trusted me, I mean I had to drink the tonic the maesters gave me in front of you."
"I know." Rhaegon took one of her hands, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I was not a good husband and I do not blame you for not trusting me. But I would like to gain your trust back, and I cannot do that if you do not allow me to."
"What exactly are you asking for?"
"I would like for you to return to our chambers." Rhaelys attempted to pull her hand back, but Rhaegon held on. "I am not asking for things to return to the way they were, because they were not well and it was all my fault. I will not touch you, but I would like us to attempt and be a family. I want to be able to have my son near, to kiss him before he goes to sleep at night. I would like a chance, just one chance to show you that I have understood my mistakes."
"I do not know." Rhaelys did not think it was a good idea. "I do not want things to be confusing between us."
"They are already confusing." He was right about that. "Rhaelys, we are wed and there is no way for us to get out of our marriage unless the other dies. Do you really want us both to be miserable our whole lives?"
"You would not have to be miserable." Rhaegon frowned, his face puzzled. "You could take a mistress, no one would be surprised or speak badly about you if you did."
"I do not want a mistress, Rhaelys." He actually looked sad that she had said that. "I love you. I might not have shown you how much, or been a good husband to you, but I love you more than anything. I have never loved anyone the way I love you. Please, just one chance, that is all I ask."
Rhaelys knew that he was right, they were wed for better or worse. While some marriages had been set aside before, they were wed in the Valyrian tradition, tying their souls together. Their marriage could never be broken, not by the queen or a high priestess. She did not want to be miserable for the rest of her life. While Rhaegon could take a mistress without any problems, she would be labeled as a whore if she took a lover. She could give him one chance to prove that she could trust him.

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