Chapter 21

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3 month time jump. Rhaelys gets some news and doesn't know how to share it with Rhaegon. Rhaegon knows that something is wrong with his wife and decides to talk to her. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

This story is almost at an end.

3 months later.

Rhaelys sat on the small bed, waiting for the healer to finish what he was doing. She had thought about this for several days before finally realizing she could not pretend it was not happening. The healer had not said anything yet, but Rhaelys knew what was happening. She was with child once more and she was terrified. Rhaegon and her had been unable to keep their hands off each other since that first time she seduced him. Their marriage was better than ever and they had been happy. Rhaegon was protective, sweet, and trusting, he had never asked her about taking that tonic again. Rhaelys frowned, now that she thought about it Rhaegon had not mentioned anything about her getting with child or having her take the tonic again.

"Princess." Rhaelys almost jumped at the healer's voice. She had not realized the man had approached her. "Are you well? Do you need to lay down?"

"No, thank you. I am well, just a bit distracted." She gave the man a quick smile. "Am I with child?"

"Yes, princess." Rhaelys let out the breath she had been holding. "While it is not exact, I would say you are barely two moons along. The most dangerous time for you and your babe will be in the next two moons, so I would advise you to be careful."

"Thank you." Rhaelys stood up, giving the healer a small nod before leaving the chambers.

Now that she knew for sure she was with child she was afraid of how Rhaegon would take it. While he had been working hard to rebuild the trust between them she was afraid of what his reaction might be, especially because there was now Aerion to think about. She did not want to think how it would affect her son if Rhaegon reacted the same way as before. Aerion had become very close to his father and he loved Rhaegon.

She walked into her chambers to find Rhaegon lying on the floor, playing with Aerion. Their little boy was climbing all over his father, laughing as the man chased him.

"Mama!" Aerion stood up, wobbling fast towards her with a smile on his face.

"Are you having fun, my love?" She picked him up, kissing his cheeks. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Papa." Aerion pointed at his father before covering his face with his hands. "Uh-Oh."

"Did your papa do something?" Aerion nodded his head and Rhaelys gave Rhaegon an amused look. "I believe our son is telling on you."

"I can see that." Rhaegon tickled their son in retribution, making the little boy giggle, before looking at her. "We broke a base while playing. Do not worry, I cleaned up all the pieces and made sure he would not hurt himself."

"That is well." She saw Rhaegon frown and knew he could tell something was wrong. She gave her husband a bright smile. "I will take Aerion to the nursery, I believe it is time for his midday nap."

Rhaelys left the chambers before her husband had time to say anything. She did not want to speak to him right now, especially with Aerion in the room. She could not have her son there, not knowing how her husband would react to the news. Her son would be protected from whatever happened. She would just have to find a better time to speak to him.

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