Sweater Weather - Smut

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Request - Y/N buys a sweater dress for autumn it's super cozy and she wears it with some cute boots. When Kayce picks her up for their date and sees her, he can't keep his hands off of her like more than usual. Maybe smut like he carries her to bed because he wants to make love to her?

You had just finished slipping your boots on when there was a knock at your door. Glancing one more time in the mirror you walked out of your bedroom and over to the front door. You had bought a brand-new sweater dress. It was a cozy orange color, falling just above your knees, and heavy enough to keep you warm as the day turned into the evening.

Peeping through the hole (you were on university housing for your last year as a veterinarian tech) you could see Kayce standing there.

He looked a little nervous and it made you feel better. Kayce was always confident it seemed, then again what twenty-five-year-old cowboy wasn't? Here you were, a twenty-two-year-old transplant from Ohio who decided a state with more cows than people were where you needed to go to school.

That choice had led you to Kayce Dutton, so you weren't complaining too much. One summer after your freshman year on the Dutton Ranch was all it took for you to fall head over heals for John Dutton's youngest son. You kept it hidden for a few months, until your last night before your sophomore year. The wranglers and staff all went out, Kayce and his brothers joining too, and you got too tipsy on beer and ended up kissing Kayce on the lips when you should have just kissed his cheek after he opened your door for you when he was dropping you back at your apartment. You ended up learning you both felt the same, after Kayce stayed in your bed that whole weekend.

"Hey, cowboy," You opened the door finally and a smirk appeared on Kayce's lips.

He told you he hated that nickname, but you know he secretly loved you calling him that. It meant something more coming from you. Kayce's eyes dipped to see your outfit and you held your breath. You weren't sure where Kayce was taking you tonight so you hoped it would do.

"This okay?" You asked.

"Perfect," Kayce's eyes came back up to yours.

Kayce leaned in, his hand coming up to rest on your hip as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.

"Hi," He smiled as you turned and locked your door. "How was class?"

"I can see the finish line," You said with a laugh. "What're we doing tonight?"

"Well, Gator's making something, so I thought we'd go steal two plates and spend the weekend at the foreman's cabin?" Kayce pulled you into his chest, his arms around your back.

"I need more stuff if I'm staying the whole weekend with you," You smirked.

"You got stuff there already," Kayce shrugged, his eyes dipping down your body again. "Or you could just wear this."

"It's soft, isn't it?" You reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Mmhmm," Kayce nodded. "The material is definitively what I'm looking at."

You laughed as the two of you made your way out to Kayce's truck. As he pulled out of the parking lot, his hand rested against your knee, his thumb rubbing circles along your skin.

"How was your day?" You asked Kayce.

"Fine," Kayce said. "Just tryin' to prepare for winter."

"I feel like all you do is prepare for what's next," You smiled over at him. "How far in advance do you plan things?"

"It's a cycle now," Kayce shrugged. "Once you do it a few times, then you get used to it."

He turned the bend, and the Dutton Ranch came into view.

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