I want this with you.

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Request - Y/N and Kayce get back together and Y/N opens up to him about what she is ready for and what she would like for their future together (living together seeing each other everyday, getting married, having a family), initially after sharing this with Kayce he seems extra quiet but then 2 weeks later when he invites you out for lunch he surprises you with something after: a little house that he says he bought and asks you to move in right away (kind of like how in the office Jim surprises Pam with a house).

"Hey," You leaned your head into Kayce's office.

It was almost eight, but the bags you were carrying smelled heavenly, and you knew Kayce deserved it. This would be his fourth night in a row working late. You hadn't had a meal with your boyfriend in about a week and this seemed like the only way you could make that happen.

Kayce looked surprised to see you from his desk. There was a mound of paperwork next to him and the lines on his forehead confirmed for you how his day had gone. You stepped inside and held up the bags with a warm smile.

"What're you doing here?" Kayce stood up from his chair and walked around the desk to you.

"You need to eat," You told him as Kayce pressed his lips to your cheek. "And I need some time with you."

"Sorry," Kayce mused as he took one of the bags from you and sat it on the coffee table in front of the couch in his office. "But I don't think I've ever loved you more than right now."

"Bringing something from Gator would be too long," You untied your bag and started to take out the small containers. "So, I thought this was a good second."

You could probably count on one hand the number of times you and Kayce had eaten out this year. But the Chinese food was now soaking through your pores, and you thought yourself a genius. As you kneeled next to the table, Kayce walked over to his fridge and pulled out two beers, opened them, and then sat on the couch. You organized the containers around you both and then handed Kayce a pair of chopsticks.

"At least try," You laughed at his expression.

Kayce placed the chopsticks back down and grabbed a fork, leaning back against the couch. You grabbed a container of noodles and joined him, tucking your legs under you and leaning closer to Kayce.

"Thank you," Kayce told you.

"You're welcome," You smiled, taking a bite. "How are you?"

"Exhausted?" Kayce shrugged. "Trying to keep my head above water?"

"I'm sorry," You frowned, hating how new Kayce still was in his role and that it would take time for him to get a rhythm going.

You watched him take a swig of his beer.

"I ran into Sarah today," You said and Kayce glanced at you. "She's pregnant...baby number two."

"Good for them," Kayce nodded, poking at his rice.

Oneshots - Kayce Dutton Book 2Where stories live. Discover now