Mother's Day Memories.

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Request - In honor of Mother's Day can you do one where it's Mother's Day and you are looking around the house for Kayce because you're supposed to be leaving for your moms house by now but you can't find him anywhere and neither can anyone else and you get impatient and try calling him but he doesn't answer and you get mad because he's been acting weird all day, and then you see him by his moms grave with flowers and it all makes sense, and you walk up, and you compliment the flowers he's hold and he just smiles and says that he got some for your mom too, and you kinda just hug him and let him talk about his mom for a bit. And when you get to your moms house she's a little annoyed but then you tell her why and it's all fine and fun and cute after that.

You finished putting your earrings on and looked in the mirror above the dresser. It would have to do, with your pretty yellow sundress and hair curled slightly. You were supposed to be at your mother's, but you had called her earlier saying you needed to push the time.

One would think it was you and getting dressed but it was actually your boyfriend, Kayce. You had yet to locate him since this morning when you woke up. He had pressed a quick kiss to your cheek and said he needed to help down at the barn but would be back in time to get ready.

"Alright," You slipped on your sandals. "Let's track down this cowboy."

You were a bit annoyed with him. Kayce had acted weird this morning, leaving so quickly and claiming there to be work. While working on a ranch was twenty-four-seven, Kayce was also heir to the ranch and if he needed to take a morning, he could. Especially if it was for you.

You tried calling him but it only went to his voicemail. For the Livestock Commissioner to not answer his that was something odd.

You walked outside and sat your purse on Kayce's truck before heading down to the barn. Wranglers or not, you needed to get to your mother's. It was Mother's Day and you had promised her a late lunch and some quality time. After some begging, Kayce agreed to go with you.

"Hey Rip," You called out, walking over to him. "Can you tell Kayce he needs to stop helping y'all and come help me?"

"Help us?" Rip asked. "He ain't been helping us."

"What do you mean?" you asked. "He hasn't been here this morning helping out?"

"Not here," Rip shook his head. "Saw him earlier but he headed over to the edge of pasture two."

You squinted your eyes as you looked in the direction Rip said. When you looked back at Rip he nodded to a horse already saddled.

"There goes my curls," You mumbled as you got up on the horse and took off in your boyfriend's direction.

When you got over the hill you stopped, spotting Kayce. You were about to groan when you stopped. The edge of pasture two was a place rarely visited by most and now you remembered why.

Kayce was standing in the cemetery of his family's ancestors. Slowly, you walked the horse over to where Kayce's horse was tied. After securing your horse, you stepped over to where Kayce was. He was holding a small bouquet of wildflowers in his hands. One glance down and you saw the grave he was standing in front of.

Evelyn Dutton

Suddenly, everything from this morning disappeared from your mind. Kayce looked back at you. His face was sullen, but there weren't tears in his eyes.

"Been wondering about you all morning," You said gently.

"Lost track of time I guess," Kayce frowned. "I'm sorry."

"No," You shook your head and stepped closer to him, wrapping your arms around his middle.

Your cheek rested against his shoulder blade as you stood with him. Kayce held your hands with one of his against his chest.

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