Teenagers and Fishing

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Request - Can u do like teen daughter and kayce with reader family day type sort of thing and it's just them three and maybe Tate. They just have a family day riding horses and getting to spend time together because they haven't done that in a long time.

You felt arms wrap around you from behind and smiled. Kayce's chin rested against your shoulder as you both looked out the large window in the living room of the main lodge. It was Sunday, which meant a little slower and a little more peaceful. Everyone was home for the first time in a long time.

You and Kayce were hardwired to wake up early, hence your second cup of coffee in your hand. Kayce had gotten back in late last night, or early this morning depending on how you looked at it...so he had been a little slower to rise than you. But the sun was just coming up over the land as your eyes danced down to the barn where activity had already started.

"Morning," Kayce's raspy voice felt like honey in your ears as you turned your head to press a kiss to the scruff on his cheek.

"Morning," You smiled as your head leaned against his. "There's coffee ready."

Kayce's arms gave you another squeeze before he let go and walked slowly over to the kitchen. You heard him grab a mug and a few seconds later, he walked back in and sat down on one of the couches.

"I take it the kids ain't up yet," Kayce sipped his coffee.

"At thirteen?" You smirked, walking over to sit next to him, bringing your legs up and under you. "Not a chance."

"They got horses to feed," Kayce murmured.

"They bribed the wranglers to do Sunday for them," You giggled at Kayce's irritated expression.

"I'll see that's changed," He muttered and took another sip of his coffee.

"Let them sleep in a little," You reached out and rubbed his shoulder. "We've all had a long few months and this is their first Sunday where there won't be school tomorrow morning bright and early."

It was the start of summer vacation for both your daughter and Tate. You and Kayce had a lot in common when it came to your kids. Both were now thirteen, only a month apart. Your first marriage was a lot like Kayce's ... never was supposed to happen but you tried to make it work. Five years ago, you met Kayce when your daughter and Tate were both new to their school and something just sparked.

Here you were, married for a year and never happier.

"You feeling like a ride today?" Kayce asked you, resting his arm behind you on the couch.

"A ride?" You asked. "Where?"

"Just around," Kayce shrugged. "Maybe bring our poles and have lunch by the river?"

You thought for a second, having not had a family day with the four of you in you couldn't remember how long. Smiling, you nodded your head at Kayce and watched a smile form on his own lips.

"I can bring some snacks too," You leaned into him. "Just in case the fish ain't biting."

"You saying your husband ain't a good fisherman?" Kayce dropped his arm around your shoulders.

"There have been times where no one has caught anything and I'm not about to ride back with three hangry Duttons," You giggled.

"Thanks, baby," Kayce kissed your forehead. "I'll go down and get the horses ready...you wanna wrangle them?"

As if on cue, there were footsteps on the stairs and you looked over to see your daughter walking in, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning," Kayce smiled at her.

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