Nice to meet you.

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Request – Could you write one where the reader and Kayce are on a break and he sees her out with a guy friend and loses it? She tries to explain that this was part of the problem with him and walks away. Sometime later he comes up to her and apologies and she gives him another chance.

You had been enjoying yourself. It was a friend of yours little sister's graduation weekend. So, a group of you went out to a bar to enjoy the night before she walked across the stage. You were next to Justin, a guy you had known for years now since high school. He was back in town and had even gotten married a year ago. You felt your other friend nudge you and looked over.

"Ain't that the Yellowstone crew?" She nodded her head.

You looked over and felt your chest tighten. A group of wranglers had walked into the bar and took up some seats on the opposite side. The door opened again and you saw Rip and Kayce walk in. You gripped your pint glass in your hands. You and Kayce had been on a break for about three weeks now. It had been a painful decision and, at least for you, it hadn't gotten any better being a part from him. But you knew you needed space. Kayce was chaotic, dangerous, and gave you more sleepless nights than a newborn. But you also knew you were in love with him. That was what you had been working on since the breakup...did your love outweigh everything else?

You looked down at your drink.

"Ain't you with Kayce?" Justin asked you.

"Uh..." You looked at him. "Technically we're on a break right now."

"What'd he do?" Justin asked.

"It's complicated," You shrugged. "Partly him, partly me...we're just, taking some time."

"He was always trouble," Justin took a sip of his beer.

"He's got things not under his control," You said, feeling defensive. "But he's always been good to me."

"Yet, you're on a break?" Justin raised an eyebrow at you.

"Like I said," You sighed. "It's complicated."

"Well, lighten up," Justin reached over and shook your shoulder playfully. "Let's enjoy this night for Sally and have a good time."

"Cheers," You held up your glass and clanked it against Justin's.

The music switched to a dance song and Justin looked at you.

"Wanna dance?" He asked.

You hadn't danced with anyone but Kayce and before the break the two of you had been together for two years. It had been a long time since you danced with someone other than him.

"Uh..." You glanced over and it proved to be a mistake.

Kayce was staring right at you. When your eyes met, his didn't look away from yours. You felt like your heart stopped as you watched the bartender place a beer in front of Kayce.

"Y/N?" Justin asked, making you look at him again.

"Look, I can't," You said. "It's just..."

"Complicated?" Justin smiled. "It's alright."

He stood up and made to move but looked back at you. He put a big, goofy smile on his face that made you laugh.

"You sure?" He wiggled his shoulders.

"I think-"

"She said no."

You looked over and saw Kayce standing next to the two of you. His frown deep on his lips and eyes locked into Justin. You stood up quickly, brushing down your dress.

"We're just playing, Dutton," Justin said. "Take it easy."

"What?" Kayce stepped closer to him.

"Kayce," You said quietly, but you doubted anyone heard you.

"I said take it easy," Justin pressed his hand against Kayce's chest.

Before you could react, Kayce had Justin face down on the table with his arm twisted behind his back. The commotion made everyone around you look at what was going on.

"Kayce!" You snapped. "Let him go!"

"This easy enough for you?" Kayce snarled.

"Kayce!" You yelled.

"He was bothering you," Kayce argued.

"No, he wasn't," You pushed against Kayce's arm. "He was being a friend...more than I can say for you. Now let...him...go."

Kayce let Justin go who stood up quickly, rubbing his arm. You glared at Kayce who stepped back some.

"God, Kayce," You rolled your eyes. "This is what I meant. Your temper is gonna get the best of you and someone always ends up hurt!"

You grabbed your bag and walked out of the bar.

"Y/N!" Kayce called out.

You flipped around and snapped at him.

"Don't," You hissed. "Don't come after me. Don't try and protect me. That ain't your role anymore!"


You waited for them to call your name out at the coffee shop about a week later. It was starting to warm up but the mornings were still cold in Western Montana.


You stood up and walked over to the pickup bar. Before you could grab yours, a hand came out and held it out to you. You looked up the arm and came face to face with Kayce.

"Oh...thanks," You told him as you took your drink.

"No problem," Kayce muttered.

You eyed him.

"What're you doing here?" You asked. "You hate coffee."

"I hate this coffee," Kayce looked around. "But you love it."

"So...again I ask, what're you doing here?" You held your drink close.

"I knew I'd run into you eventually," Kayce shrugged.

"You stalking me?" You asked, trying to joke.

"Well, you ain't taking my calls," Kayce said.

He had tried to call you every day since the incident with Justin.

"I wasn't ready to talk to you," You told him.

"How about now?" Kayce asked. "You ready to talk now?"

You thought for a moment but then decided that it might be best to get it over with. Kayce was stubborn and he might show up here every morning until you did give him the time. You nodded to a table in the corner.

"Well?" You asked him, sipping your coffee.

"Look, Y/N," Kayce took his ballcap off and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry about the other night."

"I just don't understand where that came from?" You said.

"I thought he was actually bothering you," Kayce shrugged. "I didn't...I saw you with him and all I saw was red."

"Why?" You asked.

"You really have to ask?" Kayce sighed. "Because I miss you. Because I want you back. Because seeing you with another guy made my skin crawl and all I wanted to do was punch his teeth out."

"I'm glad you didn't do that," You said softly.

"You hear the first part of all that?" Kayce tilted his head.

"I heard you," She blinked back at him.

"And?" Kayce looked nervous.

You shook your head, taking time to sip your coffee. It burned the tip of your tongue as you sat the cup back down.

"Y/N," Kayce leaned on his arms. "I'm, I know you're tired of dealing with my shit. I'm working on it."

"You're working on it?" You asked.

"I am," Kayce nodded.

"How?" You asked.

Kayce tapped his fingers on the table.

"The other night...had I done what I wanted, Justin would be eating through a tube," Kayce lowered his voice.

"Kayce..." You ran your finger through your hair.

"I know it's little...but it's progress," Kayce said. "I'm...I'm trying, Y/N."

You saw the honesty in his eyes. Your shoulders dropped as you felt a small smile grace your lips.

"What?" Kayce's lip quirked up.

"Nothing..." you giggled and eyed him. "I've uh...I've missed you too, Kayce."

"Yeah?" Kayce smiled fully at you.

"Yeah...but we can't go backwards, Kayce," You held up your hands. "We have to go forward...start over, if you will."

"Alright," Kayce nodded. "How's this?"

He stood up, making you look up at him. Kayce held his hand out to you and took off hit cowboy hat.

"Kayce Dutton," Kayce smiled. "Nice to meet you."

You laughed and placed your hand in his.

"Nice to meet you," You smiled as you let Kayce pull you up and into his chest.

Oneshots - Kayce Dutton Book 2Where stories live. Discover now