A little more...

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Request - Can you do one where Kayce is out on a job and this one lady keeps saying sexual things to him and touching him (sexually) and when Kayce snaps at her his team gets mad at him because they didn't see what she was doing, so he just lets her continue because he thinks he was wrong. And when he gets home you try to start something but he feels bad telling you he's not in the mood because he promised you this morning that you could do something when he  got home. But after awhile he just gets up and locks himself in the bathroom, and you go after him but he's really hesitant to tell you what happened and then you spend the rest of the night comforting him (it's okay if you don't want to write this one)

You smiled as Kayce walked into the foreman's cabin that evening. He had texted you that he'd be a little later than normal, but he seemed to be unharmed as your eyes looked over him. Kayce's work had taken him away from the ranch a lot lately...and you. But this morning when he kissed you bye while you were still in bed, he promised he was yours tonight.

"Hey," Kayce said as he kicked his boots off at the door.

"Hey," You smiled. "I'm glad you're home."

Kayce looked over at you as he took his jacket off. You caught a weird expression on his face you couldn't place. He wasn't sad but he was hesitant, maybe? You leaned up on your knees, your hands resting on the back of the couch.

"Sorry I'm late," Kayce sighed, walking over to you. "Been a long day."

"Are you hungry?" You asked him.

"Not really," Kayce mimicked you and rested his hands on the back of the couch.

You frowned, not liking anything about Kayce's nature at all right now.

"Kayce?" You leaned your head down and made him look up at you.

"Sorry..." Kayce shook his head and leaned in, pressing his lips gently to yours for a quick kiss. "I'm glad I'm home too."

You reached up and held the sides of his face, kissing him again. You tried to deepen the kiss, but Kayce pulled away, hugging you instead. You let him, since he couldn't see the disappointment and confusion on your face. You felt him burrow his face into the crook of your neck. His arms wrapped around you tightly.

Thinking maybe he just needed some encouragement; you turned your head and kissed his cheek. You moved your lips down to his jaw, moving his head back up some. But Kayce didn't move his arms at all and it made for a difficult angle for you. You could only go as far as under his ear but when your lips touched his skin he suddenly pulled back. The movement made him accidentally push your body back as he stepped away.

"Kayce?" You asked but he was walking away.

You saw him walk into the bedroom and a few second later you heard him shut the bathroom door. You stayed there for a minute; a bit shocked about what just happened. Did you do something wrong? Did you read Kayce wrong? He had told you this morning he was all yours tonight, but did he mean something else by that? Or did something happen to him today and things changed?

You got up from the couch and slowly walked into the bedroom to find that Kayce was still in the bathroom. Frowning you walked up to the door and listened for something. But there wasn't any sound coming. Raising your hand, you knocked your knuckles against the wood gently.

"Kayce?" You asked softly and waited.

There wasn't a reply. You shifted on your feet and knocked again.

"Kayce? Are you okay?" You asked again. "Did I do...did I do something wrong?"

More silence followed and you felt yourself start to get really nervous. Swallowing you raised your hand one more time, but the door opened up. Kayce looked out at you and you saw his eyes were red around the rim. You went from being nervous you did something to now nervous because something clearly happened to Kayce today. You stepped inside, making Kayce step back into the bathroom.

"What happened?" You asked gently. "Baby...what is it?"

Kayce shook his head and sighed. You reached out and touched his forearm. You didn't want to do anything to hurt him anymore, so you figure your gentle touch was enough for him to know you wanted to help.

"Kayce," You stepped closer to him and since he didn't pull away you took that as a sign of him being okay with it. "Talk to me, please."

"We got a call today," Kayce sighed. "Out near Stapleton's old place."

You remembered Kayce's text when he said he'd be a little late that out there was where he was headed. You nodded your head at him to let him know you were following him.

"There was a woman out there," Kayce frowned. "She uh...she was a little much."

"Was it Sara Stapleton?" You asked.

"No, the new owner's wife," Kayce shook his head.

"Okay," You took a breath. "What do you mean by she was a little much?"

"Uh..." Kayce now looked uncomfortable, and you figure this woman was the cause of whatever was wrong with Kayce right now.

You narrowed your eyes at him.

"What did she do, Kayce?" You asked him slowly.

"It sounds stupid," He mumbled.

"I bet it's not," You told him.

"She uh..." Kayce sighed. "She kept touching me."

You furrowed your brows. Your eyes suddenly shot to where you were holding onto his arm and wondered if that was okay right now. But Kayce didn't seem to acknowledge a problem with you.

"What do you mean?" You asked him.

"She kept...touching me," Kayce sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "My shoulder, my chest, my arm...lingering and making comments."

"What?" You suddenly was getting a better picture of what Kayce was talking about.

"I finally snapped at her to stop," Kayce said.

"I'm glad you did," You huffed. "Should have pushed her off too."

"But then the guys heard, and they hadn't really seen what she'd been doing and so I was the asshole."

"Oh, Kayce," You frowned. "Did you tell them?"

"No, never was alone without her for me to," Kayce walked over to the tub and sat down on the edge of it.

Your heart hurt looking at your man sitting there so upset. Kayce was an attractive man, you'd be the first in line to say why he was. But he was also a sensitive man, something that made you fall in love with him. He was also respective, especially of women. Kayce had a heart of gold and manners like no one else you had ever known. It know that someone violated him in that way made your skin crawl and want to drive down to that woman and give her a piece of your mind and fist.

You stepped over and sat next to Kayce, making sure you didn't touch him still. You didn't want him to get something mixed with how he was feeling right now. He slowly looked over at you. You offered him a small smile.

"I love you," You told him. "And I am so sorry you had to go through that. No one should...what she did was wrong and you of all people didn't deserve that."

"I feel stupid," Kayce leaned his elbows on his knees.

"No, Kayce," You shook your head. "You are not stupid and how you feel isn't stupid."

"She just...wouldn't stop," He sighed.

You sat with him for a few minutes. Your mind was reeling, and you had to continue to talk yourself down from wanting to commit murder. Something then dawned on you and you looked at Kayce, causing him to look over at you.

"I'm sorry I was pushy with you when you got home," You told him.

"No, baby," Kayce shook his head. "That's not...it wasn't you."

"It was her," You frowned. "And I have half a mind to go give her a piece of my mind."

Kayce leaned back up and surprised you by reaching over and holding your thigh.

"Well, you'd have to go down to county," He said.

"You arrested her?" You asked him.

"Turns out she was the one poisoning her husband's cows," He nodded.

"Well...she just sounds like an all-around nice person," You said with a sour look on your face.

"Yeah," Kayce nodded, and you could tell he was feeling a little better.

"What can I do to help you right now?" You asked.

Kayce looked over at you.

"How about some supper?" He said.

"Yeah," You nodded, standing up. "What sounds good?"

"Whatever you want," Kayce slowly stood up.

"I've got some steaks?" You said. "And maybe some green beans ? I could also do a big salad."

"Sounds good, baby," Kayce gave you a small smile.

You nodded your head but didn't move right away. Gently, you brought your hands up to his cheeks again, but this time you were soft with your touch. Kayce didn't pull away as you stepped closer to him. In fact, you felt one of his hands hold your waist. Leaning up on your toes, you kissed Kayce's lips slowly before pulling back.

"Tell me if you don't want me to love on you right now, okay?" You said softly.

Kayce shook his head and pulled you closer against him with his hands. You wrapped your arms around his neck as the two of you stood there for a few seconds.

"No, I want you touches," Kayce mumbled. "I want you to love on me."

"Alright," You smiled. "I can do just that."

You cooked Kayce supper and the two of you talked about other things for the rest of the evening. When it was time for bed you crawled in next to Kayce and waited for him to tell you what he wanted. You ended up pressed against his chest as you both listened to the fire die down in the living room.

"You need to tell your team about what happened to you Kayce," You told him.

"It's not what we do," Kayce's hand rubbed up and down your back.

"But what if it happened to one of your guys?" You asked. "You need some sort of...space to make it okay to say something and you as the leader, everyone would listen."

"I'll see," Kayce said, and you knew that would be about it.

"I could offer some love to those who go through something like this?" You smirked.

"Not a chance in hell," Kayce was gruff.

You giggled and leaned up to look at him.

"Kidding," You smiled.

"Funny," Kayce rolled his eyes.

"You gonna be okay?" You asked him.

"Maybe..." Kayce looked at you.

"Maybe?" You frowned. "What else do you need me to do?"

"I don't know," Kayce pulled you up so your lips were closer. "Maybe need a little more loving."

"A little more, huh?" You smirked.

"Just a little," Kayce nodded before your lips met.

Oneshots - Kayce Dutton Book 2Where stories live. Discover now