She'll make it.

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Request - Can you do one here during the attack you were visiting Kacey before the gun man showed up and get shot in the cross fire (in the chest) and Kacey has to save you and get you help. Maybe even a Kacey pov when you lose consciousness. Maybe they are still new to dating but it really shows Kacey how much he loves you and needs you

"Wait," You reached up, fisting Kayce's shirt and pulling him back down to your lips.

You were on one of the couches in the living room. Kayce kissed you fully before your smile broke it.

"I'll be back in an hour," Kayce mumbled to you.

His hands were on the back of the couch and armrest as he leaned over you. Your hands opened and you smoothed down his shirt. He had to run into the office today, his receptionist had called and said there were folks there wanting to meet with Kayce.

"I'll just be here," You said jokingly. "Waiting for you to come back."

You and Kayce were new to dating. The two of you met a little over a year ago and for a few months, you saw Kayce only in your bed on Saturday nights after the wranglers from his ranch would come into town. 

He had recently divorced and had a wasn't an easy time for him. You had just moved to town and brought a fresh perspective that Kayce seemed drawn to. But he didn't want to hurt you so he kept you at arm's (or your apartment's) length for a few months. Then one day he invited you out to the ranch for a ride. You ended up spending the night with him for once and the next morning Kayce asked if you were exclusive to him or not. You had never been asked that way before and it made you jump back into bed with him. Flash forward to now, and there was no denying the two of you were in this for the long haul...the words just hadn't been said yet.

"Don't tempt me," Kayce chuckled.

"Fine," You pushed him away as you leaned back. "Go save the world or whatever it is that you do."

"Later, baby," Kayce smirked as he walked out.

You giggled as you picked up your book again, finding your spot. You spend the next thirty minutes getting lost. It wasn't until your phone started buzzing that you tore your eyes away.

"Hey?" You answered Kayce's call, thinking it must have been a quick meeting.

"Baby, get to the bunkhouse!" Kayce yelled.

"What?" You asked but heard gunshots going off in the background of Kayce. "Kayce?"

"Get to the bunkhouse, now," Kayce said. "Right now!"

You pulled off a blanket around your legs and stood up.

"Kayce, what's going on?" You asked, panicking.

"Baby, get to the bunkhouse, now!" Kayce yelled and then the phone went silent.

You looked at your phone and saw the call had been dropped. There was a loud thud heard somewhere in the house. You looked around slowly, the feeling of being watched taking over you. You quickly walked over to the doorway and saw the front door was wide open. No one would leave the door open like that.

Swallowing hard, you turned and quickly ran toward the kitchen's back door. When you stepped around the corner, your body was hit by another, and you fell to the floor. You screamed as a man tried to turn you over. Your legs kicked out as you tried to punch him with your fists. Finally, your foot connected to his stomach, and he fell backward. You turned and tried to crawl away, but he grabbed your legs and pulled you back.

He picked you up and threw you against the kitchen cabinets hard. The impact made your head spin with pain. You were trying to fight him off though, your body taking over. You were able to get your fist connected to his eye and he cried out, clutching his face. But then you saw him pull his gun out. You panicked and tried to grab it from him, the two of you struggling. A shot rang out, then another, but finally, you pulled it from his grasp and fired three right at his chest. The man fell back, and you collapsed onto your back shaking and panting.

Oneshots - Kayce Dutton Book 2Where stories live. Discover now