At peace with it.

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Kacey gets super scared about horses trampling because of his mom. Could you do one where they're on a ride together and y/n's horse gets spooked, throws her and ends up falling on her and Kayce is just in full blown panic trying to get you help while having flashbacks and it's just a craziness of emotions and feelings.

It had been a great morning.

The two of you had officially been together for about three months now. Before that, there were a few weekends where Kayce wounded up in your bed a time or two. Kayce had been divorced now for almost a year and he was pretty wounded when he met you. You were the assistant librarian for the county library and his son Tate had three books overdue. You finally got a hold of Kayce's number and he promised to return the books...that's when you first met him. Then a few weeks passed, and you ran into him at a bar. You were with your sister, and he was with the wranglers from his ranch. He danced with you for the night, and you felt yourself fall for the cowboy right then and there. But you could tell he was broken.

Another week went by, and you ran into him again at the same bar. This time, he drove you home to your apartment and ended up leaving in the morning. The same thing happened the next weekend and the next. One time, he took you to his ranch and you spent the day riding with him and Kayce cooked you supper. When you woke up the next morning in his bed you felt a shift between the two of you and that's the day Kayce asked if you'd be his officially. That was three months ago.

You pulled your horse to stop along the river. Breathing in the fresh air felt good in your lungs as you looked up toward the mountain. Kayce rode up next to you and stopped. The two of you had been out riding for the past few hours. It had become a ritual for both of you on Saturday mornings. You looked over at Kayce and smiled.

"Should we head back?" You asked.

"Do we have to?" Kayce smirked.

"Well, if Tate wasn't coming this evening I'd say no, but..." You shrugged.

"Right," Kayce sighed, but you knew Tate outweighed everything. "Come on, cowgirl."

You giggled and followed Kayce's horse with yours. When you got the first pasture, Kayce picked up some speed and you followed. The wind felt good in your hair as you rode across the grounds. You felt your horse jerk to the side briefly and glanced down.

Something must have spooked him though because the next thing you felt was him rearing up once and then twice.

"Hey," You said, pulling down on the reign for him to calm down some.

Kayce rode on but when he noticed you not next to him, he turned his head back. You were trying to figure out what must have spooked your horse when he kicked his back legs up, causing you to lean forward and lose your grip. When he reared up again you didn't have a good hold and slipped off, falling on your side on the ground.

"Y/N!" You heard Kayce yell.

Then you saw your horse stumble, landing over your legs as he rolled. It all happened fast as you covered your face with your hands. The weight though soon left your body, replaced by a whole knew one that was more comforting.

"Y/N!" Kayce yelled. "Baby, are you okay...look at me...Y/N!"

You slowly opened your eyes to Kayce's panicked face. Glancing over you saw your horse was back up and standing next to Kayce's. But Kayce wasn't okay. His eyes were wild as he looked over you. Kayce had his hands on your arms as he leaned you up.

"Kayce..." You said softly.

"What hurts?" Kayce asked, ignoring you. "Where did he fall? Your legs? Can you feel them? How's your breathing?"

"My breathing?" You asked a bit confused.

"Where did he fall on you?" Kayce snapped.

You blinked at him. Where was all this coming from? Sure, a horse falling was a serious matter, but you were okay. Your horse was okay and that should be that at this point, right?

"Uh h-he just fell, but-"

"You can breathe?" Kayce asked you. "Mom, can you breathe?"

Did he just call you mom? You watched him already move on though and check over you again. He moved your hair off your neck and then ran his hands down your arms. His eyes were bright, scared looking. There was something more to this than just him being concerned about you. While you knew Kayce liked you a lot, this was bigger than that.

"Hey," You leaned up some as Kayce was looking at your legs now.

H pulled his water out and handed it to you.

"Kayce," You tried to push it away.

"Drink some," Kayce ignored you. "Can you feel your toes?"

"Wait," You sighed.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Kayce held up three fingers.

You ended up having enough. You slapped his canteen out of his hands.

"Kayce!" You yelled and finally he stopped.

Kayce blinked a few times and you saw him refocus back on you. You were both breathing hard as you dropped your shoulders finally.

"What is going on?" You asked him.

"You're hurt," Kayce said.

"I'm fine," You shook your head gently.


"Kayce," You reached out and held one of his hands in yours. "I'm fine."

Kayce looked down at your hands and you watched him breathe in deeply. His eyes slowly rose to look into yours. You shifted to sit up better as Kayce leaned on his hip more. You looked over at the canteen you had hit away.

"Kayce," You sighed, looking back at him. "What the hell was that?"

" was..." He stuttered.

You eyed him.

"I mean, I appreciate the concern," You tried to make him feel better. "But people fall off horses all the time and I'm okay."

Kayce sighed as he took off his hat and ran his fingers through his tangled hair. You pulled your knees up and waited for him patiently. You felt Kayce lace his fingers through yours as he rested them on his thigh. You squeezed his hand, trying to let him know you were there.

"My mother," Kayce cleared his throat.

You knew Kayce's mother died when Kayce was young. After that, you hadn't heard the full story yet but knew it was a sensitive one with the whole family. You scooted closer to Kayce, sitting next to him.

"When she died..." Kayce said. "It was a horse that fell on her."

You pressed your lips into a thin line.

"It crushed her ribs and lungs," Kayce squinted in the sunlight. "She died out in the pasture."

Your heart hurt hearing him tell you this. And suddenly everything he just did made you wonder something.

"Where you with her?" You asked softly.

Kayce nodded his head yes but didn't say anything. You leaned against him, resting your chin on his shoulder. You let got of his hand and wrapped it around his back. Kayce leaned his head toward you but still wasn't looking at you.

"I'm sorry," You told him softly.

"Happened a long time ago," Kayce mumbled.

"And yet, you acted like you just did," You rubbed his back. "Thank you for making sure I was okay."

Kayce looked at you.

"Something in me just snapped and I was back there with her," Kayce sighed. "But then also here with you and back again."

"I wondered when you called me, mom," You nodded.

"Sorry," Kayce said and you could see his embarrassment.

"Don't be," You nudged him. "I understand now."

Kayce sighed and leaned back some. He moved his hands back to rest on them as you brought your arm from around him. The two of you sat there for a few moments in peace. You looked over at your horses who seemed to understand and were waiting for you both.

"I guess..." You said out loud and Kayce looked over at you. "I guess if it was to happen...unfortunate and terrible as it was...that for it to happen out here in this place...and with you..."

You looked at Kayce.

"As a mother, I'm sure she came to be at peace with it."

You weren't sure how Kayce would judge that. He took a deep breath and ultimately offered you a small smile.

"Thank you."

You glanced at your watch. There was still some time before you and Kayce needed to be back for Tate.

"Lie back," You said.

"What?" Kayce asked.

"Lie back," You gently pushed him onto the grass.

Once settled you leaned down and rested your cheek against his chest. The sun was above you both as you laid there in his arms. You could hear birds chirping now and a cool breeze blow across every so often. Kayce held you against his chest as you felt him breath in and out slowly.

A little while later you glanced at your watch and leaned up slowly. Kayce looked up at you as you smiled down at him.

"Need to head back now," You said gently.

"Yeah," Kayce sat up with you. "Though I could do this all day."

You stood up, brushing yourself off as Kayce did the same.

"So could I," You now looked up at Kayce.

He wrapped his arm around your hips and pulled you close to him. You rested your hands against his chest and smiled.

"Thank you," Kayce said and you knew what he meant.

"Thank you for telling me," You said.

The two of you shared a sweet kiss before y'all walked back over and got on your horses. The ride back to the camp was slower than normal and when you had finished putting the horses up, it was time for Tate to arrive.

Kayce grabbed your hand as you both walked up to the main house in time to see his ex-wife's car pull into view. When you tried to drop his hand out of nerves, Kayce held onto yours tighter.

Glancing up at his calm face, you knew things had shifted once again in this new relationship.

Oneshots - Kayce Dutton Book 2Where stories live. Discover now