Thanks for coming to get me.

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Request - Would love to see a more in-depth car accident or injury where Kacey either finds her or shows up and it really shows his emotional side.

"Okay, now look straight ahead for me," The EMS worker told you while he flashed a small light across your eye. 

You flinched and you knew he saw your movement. 

"Can you tell me what today's date is?" He asked you. 

"It's December...eleventh?" You asked, not because you didn't know but honestly you were still shaking. 

The truck had come out of nowhere. You were positive you had stopped at the four-way and looked both ways before trying to get back to the ranch at a decent hour. Your job in town had preoccupied your time this week, and you had been looking forward to being at home...with your boyfriend...who you also hadn't seen much of except when you were waking up in the morning. 

"That truck hit you doing about fifty," The EMS guy was talking to you again. "I'd really like it if you'd let us take to the hospital and get checked out." 

"I'm alright," You told him again. "More just shaken up than anything physical." 

"We can check that out too," He smiled at you. 

Your eyes narrowed. Surely this guy wasn't hitting on you after you had just been in an accident. You blinked a few times as he pulled out a small strip of gauze. You had cut your forehead, right above your left eyebrow on your steering wheel. 

"This'll sting," He told you, pulling out a bottle of spray. 

You flinched as the spray touched your wound, the EMS guy quickly working. You could at least thank him for that. After he checked to make sure your wound was covered, he leaned back and looked down at where you sat on the back of their rig. 

"How's that feel?" He asked you. 

"Fine," You nodded. "Thank you." 

"How many fingers am I holding up?" He asked you. 

You rolled your eyes. 

"It's part of the checkup," He laughed and it honestly made you giggle too. 

"Four," You told him.

"Great," He pulled out the paper he had been writing on earlier. "Now if I could just get your number?" 

"Four, seven, two..." You trailed off. 

The guy looked up at you with a sheepish grin. You had to admit it to him, that was a good play. So good you almost didn't catch it even. 

"Sorry," He said with a shrug that made you think he wasn't sorry at all. "Here, let's try and keep your hair out of your face." 

He reached up and tucked a piece of your hair that had fallen over your covered wound behind your ear. That you didn't like. You pulled back quickly and placed both your hands on the rig. 

"Am I done?" You asked him. 

"Still wish you'd let me check you over on the gurney," He sighed. 

"Think you've checked enough." 

Your head whipped over to the left as you saw Kayce standing there. His eyes were darker than normal, shoulders rigid and you could see the veins in his arms coming from under his rolled-up shirt. You didn't even notice the EMS guy stumble as he took a step back slightly. Kayce stepped over to stand in front of you now, his eyes still on the guy though. 

"You're uh...yeah, you're good to go miss," He stuttered at you before scurrying away. 

Kayce's eyes fell on you now. 

Oneshots - Kayce Dutton Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora