I ain't scared.

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Request - Can you do a one-shot where the reader either loses a baby or is told she can't get pregnant? She struggles to tell Kayce but then he's sweet to her and comforts her even though she doesn't think she's worthy of being with him anymore.

Author's Note - these are always tough because of the sensitivity of the topic. I hope this one is respectful enough! I picked the one where she's told she can't have a child. 

"But we've been trying?" You looked at your doctor. "We've...we've been doing all the right steps, making sure with the timing and even diet." 

"I'm sorry, Y/N," The doctor gave you a sad smile. "Sometimes...our parts just don't work the way they're supposed to."  

You swallowed the lump in your throat. 

"But...we want a baby," You could feel the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. 

"There are other ways to have a child, Y/N," Your doctor pulled out some pamphlets. "You and Kayce can look these over and if something sticks out we can explore those options." 

Your fingers shook as you reached for the pamphlets. 

"I really can't have children?" You asked again. 

"I'm sorry, Y/N," The doctor replied, shaking her head. "You can't have children." 


You weren't sure you had any tears left in you as you sat in your car outside the foreman's cabin. It was close to five and you could see the wranglers finishing up for the day over at the barn. Kayce was with them, smiling as Jimmy said something funny. 

Your heart felt like it was being pinched. That man loved you more than anything. He married you last spring in a small ceremony on the ranch. He provided for you, protected you (even if it was something stupid he did), and loved you. The two of you had a plan. Get married, have babies, grow old, and live the life you both wanted on the land you loved. 

Kayce got you his heart, he got you the ring, he brought the ranch to the relationship. 

But you couldn't help but bring one thing from your side. 

You turned your car off and continued to sit there. Kayce waved to the guys before he started to make his way up to the cabin. You knew he had spotted your car and took a shaky breath. 

All Kayce wanted was a baby with you. The two of you talked about it endlessly. What you would have, how you'd raised them, and all the fun it would be. Sure, Kayce had Tate from his first marriage and you loved that boy like your own. But this child would be part of you and part of Kayce, the perfect pair. 

You got out, needing some fresh air. Kayce smiled as he walked up to where you were standing as you shut the door. It was now or never. Kayce could always read you no matter how hard you tried to hide your feelings from him. As you turned around, Kayce's smile fell.

"Hey." He said coming up next to you. "What's wrong." 

"Um..." You cleared your throat. 

"Baby, what's wrong?" Kayce held both of your arms. 

You took a deep breath. 

"I had a doctor's appointment today," You told him, feeling the tears build again in your eyes. 

"Okay?" Kayce looked at you. 

"It was supposed to be a check-up," You sniffed. "Make sure everything was okay." 

Kayce stepped closer to you. 

"Something isn't okay?" He asked. 

"No" You shook your head, feeling the first tear roll down your cheek. 

Oneshots - Kayce Dutton Book 2Where stories live. Discover now