Christmas Lights Gifts

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Request - The reader takes Tate to see the Christmas lights and she's enjoying seeing the lights just as much as Tate and Kayce snaps a picture of them later on it is a gift for her and thanks her for taking care of Tate like her own. 

"Y/N look at that one!" Tate pointed out the window. 

You smiled as the greens, reds, and yellows sparkled back on y'all as Kayce drove slowly in the long lines of vehicles. 

"See the snowmen?" You asked Tate who was on your lap in the front seat. 

Given the speed, it was okay for him to sit there while you all looked at Christmas lights. Kayce had riven you and Tate into town and now was one of a few hundred in line to wind around the streets and see the lights. 

"Look, Rodolph!" Tate pointed at a roof that had light-up reindeer on it. 

You squeezed Tate closer to you, enjoying the pure joy he had on his face right now. You glanced back at Kayce who was smiling at you. He had come to another stop in the line.

Kayce reached over and tucked some of your hair behind your ear, his thumb rubbing softly against your cheek. The lights were dancing in Kayce's warm eyes and making your insides all warm. 

'Thank you' you mouthed to Kayce. 

"Dad! Which ones do you like?" Tate looked at his father. 

"I don't know, buddy," Kayce leaned his head down to look out the window. "Maybe the red ones?" 

"Me too," Tate nodded and you rolled your eyes. "Y/N...look there are some purple ones that you like!" 

"Oh look at that!" You leaned in and smiled, seeing the light purple ones twinkle. 

A few seconds later Kayce was able to drive forward and continue on. 


"Well, he's finally asleep," You said as you came back downstairs. 

It was Christmas Eve and the main lodge was finally quiet now that Tate was asleep upstairs in his room. John had gone to bed as well, leaving Kayce sitting next to the fire. The tall Christmas tree was glowing in front of the large windows covered in frost from the snow. 

"Good," Kayce held out his arm as you walked over and laid down on the couch with him. 

"You know he's gonna be up at six even though it's late," You mumbled into Kayce's shoulder. 

"I know," Kayce chuckled, his hand rubbing up and down your back lovingly. "But he'll pass out by ten-thirty." 

"Mmm," You leaned your cheek against Kayce's chest. 

"Speaking of tomorrow," Kayce leaned up and reached under the couch. "I got this for you to have early." 

He pulled out a smaller package, wrapped in brown paper and tied with red string. You sat up, leaning on Kayce's thigh with your hands as you looked at it. Your eyes shifted to Kayce's. 

"It won't open itself," Kayce smirked, handing it to you. 

"What's this?" You asked, holding it. "I thought we weren't doing gifts?" 

"It's not a Christmas gift," Kayce shrugged. "It ain't Christmas, yet." 

"Kayce..." You leaned back against the couch and untied the package. 

Peeling back the paper you saw it was a picture frame from behind. You sat the paper down and gave Kayce another look before flipping it over. 

You held up a picture Kayce took of you and Tate a week ago when you had all been looking at lights. The colorful bulbs were blurry behind you and Tate as you both were smiling about something. It was only your profiles, but it screamed Christmas and love. 

"My favorite thing is watching you with Tate," Kayce said, his voice low. 

You looked up at him, a few tears building in the corners of your eyes. Your fingers tightened their hold on the frame, it becoming your favorite picture. 

"You...treat him like your own," Kayce smiled. "I never asked that of you, it's just smoothly took him on. And it's been...a breath of fresh air to see you care about him and love him." 

"I do," Your voice was shaky as you held your finger under one of your eyes to keep yourself from crying. 

"I know you do," Kayce nodded. "That night was one of my favorites...and I was with my favorites, so I just thought it was too good to not share with you." 

"Thank you," You smiled down at the picture again. "I love it...I love you." 

"Love you more," Kayce held the side of your face as he leaned in to kiss you. 

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